I knew you were Trouble when you Stalked Me

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I woke up to the familiar buzz of my phone and by the time my searching hands got hold, the call had already ended.

Sighing, I brought it up to my face only to shoot up straight in fright.

1 miss call Big red
5 miss calls Terror
9 miss calls Mr. cool
11 miss calls Girlfriend

The notifications read in that same order.

Mer with call number one meant that I had to call back, IMMEDIATELY.

Alexandra with 11 calls meant she couldn't wait to tell me something gossipy.

And my mother lead with a total of 5 patient calls from her cell and 11 annoyed ones from dad's.

I addressed the most terrifying, first and I was accused and scolded for calling back so late just so my mum could ask me. "Do you have hot water for bathing?"

Attending to each case, I finally took another nap getting up an hour and a half later to find the cloak chiming at 12 noon.

In habit I rubbed my eyes and whipped back my hair which looked very uncool unlike the movies.

It was as I scratched my head for no reason that it finally hit me.

Ahh aahhh aaahhhhhh.

Was I out of my mind to fall asleep on him and how the hell did I get back home.

Maybe he kicked me into the river and I got carried back to earth and some kind soul saved me and brought me home.

What about curses? I thought. My senses were alright but what about my face.

I inched slowly towards the long mirror and sighed in relief facing my awesomeness.

After a battle section with my hair I went downstairs and watching Margaret bringing me breakfast made me realise that I hadn't brushed.

Completing my morning routine, I finally sat down for breakfast and my eyes wandered the walls that were previously decorated with ketchup.

Even the dent in the shape of the King of Olympus had vanished. These Gods sure know how to cover up.

That reminds me where is Zeus?

I had panicked when Hades had blasted him, but later calmed down on hearing. "Whatever is broken will join back together. "

Normal has lost its meaning in my life. Sigh.

I made a call to the hospital to check up on the situation and found that most patients were already discharged after complete recovery.

As I passed through the kitchen door, I freaked finding the blue-eyed freak drinking coffee from my freaking favourite mug.

And as I contemplated murder Margaret gushed over him while Theresa sat wide eyed by the island.

John, who was rarely seen in these parts of the house chose a scowl as he watched the drama and seemed to share my sentiments for the beautiful god.

Sensing my presence he turns back to smile.
- smirk.

He' back to one peice alright.

The upcoming five minutes was a bad episode of cliche.

Margaret had an urgent matter to attend to at home and left early. Theresa developed a stomach bug and John offered to take her home.

As the house slowly emptied I raised an accusing brow.

He shrugged only commenting. "Nice coffee."

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