For me to Choose

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My eyes snapped open, suddenly free from exhaustion on hearing hungry snarls.

"Look who has finally come to."

The Drakon spoke, and I inched back on the grass, looking up at the woman who wore a human skin to hide away filthy scales.

"Don't be afraid." She cooed, singing a lullaby to an endless sleep. "I will make it painless. "

The promise set off alarms in my mind, and I began to crawl back on all fours searching madly for amber eyes in the dark woods.

I finally scrambled up to my feet turning my head to every side, but did not find the one I was looking for.

No..this can't be real.

"Where do you think you are going?" She asked, sounding genuinely saddened.

And then I was running away with all my might.

"Who are you waiting for?" The question slowed me down as I turned around, and her head tilted back in an abnormal angle, making the hyoid bone of her neck break through her pale skin.

My scream was still resonating in the damp air when she called out.

"Is it him?"

Soon, a silhouette appeared not far behind her, distinctly of a man, and as her head retook its original axis, he proceeded to move forward.

I had by then stopped in my tracks and began pleading to the fates in my mind. Please, please...

But they weren't kind.

In my confused view a man with a bloodied face stepped out into the light, the same man she had lovingly proclaimed as her wounded lover.

And even from the distance I could see her toothless smile.

She raises to her toes and whisper into his ears, but it was loud enough for me to hear.

"Kill her."

I ran as he took to his feet.

My sense of direction was lacklustre, with towering trees stretching out in all directions in the same likeness.

An eager cry devoted to capturing me could be heard within a horrifyingly close distance.

Something tugged at my ankle, and this time instead of the cold waters I fell onto the forest floor.

I turned my body around as I was dragged wickedly with rough hands, and the face that looked coated by layers of red paint grew deep setting eyes.

I breathed heavily. "Please..."

There was no mercy in those dark eyes, rather only irateness that had reached its peak. Then suddenly a hollow started to grow where his mouth should have been and when its size increased as big as his head, he lunged forward.

I screamed and closed my eyes, but the darkness only lasted a second before my eyes were wide open again.

My breathing did not come haggard and ragged like it had a second ago, but my brain felt it was shot through and it was as if someone was coughing hard at the tail end of a fever inside my chest.

Cool were my hands and feet with dread and instinctively I sat up closer to the bonefire burning high to my side.

But before I could observe my surroundings, a scratching sound came from behind me.

I whipped my head back. The sword dragged across the ground, the first to catch my eyes.

Leaning back against stone walls, he sat, august and solemn in an otherwise bleak background. And then noticing my stare, the god narrowed his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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