Lessons For Zeus

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"Soo cute!" He exclaimed pinching my cheeks red. But no matter how I imagined my current expression to be, it was far from cute and too close to a shocked-sloth.

Soon, his teasing was drowned remembering what I said to Hades.


I sigh, clapping my hands to get ahold of his wandering mind.

"So let's practice."


"What?" I echoed his question.

"What?" he asked again totally confused.

"What?" I repeated.

He sighs realizing that it was going nowhere. "What are you talking about?"

I smile innocently at that."Did you think I was joking about you being my patient?"

"What!!" He screams and I nod till he is satisfied.

Doing my level best not laugh at the expense of his hopless face, I chirp. "So let's start."

And take hold of his shoulders to assure him. "It will be painless."

He audibly gulps and for a second I felt pity for those familiar eyes.

And come to think of it, its been some time since I got to annoy Will.

*insert robotic voice*
"Meanwhile in the underworld."

Will's pov.

Feeling a chill creep down my spine, I rubbed my neck and my hand reflexively rested on the hilt of my sword.

The face of a scheming teenager came to mind with her ever changing eyes and hair-raising smile.

The light of the underworld had gone out for one minute and three seconds before its King reappeared from he knows where pissed off and amused.

And a gut feeling told me she was the one behind it all.

Zeus help those around her.


Elizabeth's pov.

"Not physically of course." I called out running up the stairs and I think I heard a thud.

Five minutes later, I descended amazed that he hadn't fled.

"Why are you dressed like that?" He asked taking in my getup.

I looked down at the baggy sweater and my dad' long jacket paired with black bell-bottom pants. All black.

Grinning ear to ear, I pull up the hood.  "You will find out in a minute." In all elegance a potato could muster, I sat down across him.

Under his cautious eyes, I place my chocolate brown teddy to my side and a cleaning mop on the other.

"Don't tell me. Are you trying to be Hades." he queried, starting to laugh.

"Yes I am." I confessed ignoring his chiding.

"So is that Cerberus?" He pointed at my teddy still laughing.

"Yes it is and he will devour your soul if you make a mistake. And this is the scepter with which I will blast you." I explain taking the mop in hand and bring it down on his head when he laughs harder.

"Come on I am trying to help you." I pout with the facade fading away.

"Sorry sorry. It's just that you look more like as if you are prepared to spend your summer in the North Pole than looking like Hades." He defended.

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