Chapter 1: Return to Arkadian lands

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Welcome to my story, i wont be writing a lot of authors notes, but pls comment so i can continue writing. I also will probably skip between 1st and 3rd person view sooo sorry. 💚💚

Clarks Pov:
I left lexas room with every thought in my head fighting for space, i didn't know what had happened or what would happened.  I didn't know how to process it.  I did however know that i was happy, even though i had pulled away from our first kiss it still meant everything to me.

The last person i ever expected to see in polis, much less in my room was waiting in my room. 


"Hey princess, i was in polis and i know ur leaving to get ahead of the blockade and i just thought past is in the-"

"Ok i don't care just be ready in 5 i have to meet octavia before she leaves"

Clarke mumbled about how bossy and demanding she was under her breath as she packed her final things.

3rd person

Murphy and Clark walked out of the tower over to the tunnel octavia was waiting by, u could see her breath a sigh of relief at the realization of Clarke, and you could see her face scrunch up at the realization of murphy. 

Once Clarke and murphy got there and Clarke and octavia exchanged a hug.
Clarke asked octavia who she was looking on for still hopeful.

"Are we gonna get a move on or are we expecting someone else O"

"I thought maybe... But i guess not"
She said as the hope drained from her features.

As she turned she heard just the voice she needed too

"Octavia kom skaikru" came a very strong voice with a thick accent "get knocked down get back up" Indra said as she grasped Octavia's forearm

Then finally the ragged little group all together but all feeling alone without the one they loved slowly moved through the tunnels without a word until they reached the exit. 

"Why the tunnels if u don't mind me asking" - M

"It was the best way to avoid attention being drawn to us, we all are famous for something or another now... except i guess u murphy, how does it feel to be out of the spotlight for once" - O

This quip earned a small chuckle from Clarke

"Hey not getting thrown back and forth between u guys and the grounders and getting beat up on both sides is actually pretty nice... Or was".

"So who's the girl murphy" -C

"What?" Murphy and octavia said collectively

"Hey, hey i'm not one to talk on the romance field but i can tell.."

And exhausted sigh escaped Murphy's mouth his mouth them forming into a reluctant smile that easily revealed the truth

Clarke and octavia both drew in breath to speak, but Murphy stopped them before they could continue

"Ok before all the questions start, her name is Emori, i met her on Jaha's desperate trip for power and left with her when he got too crazy, we were in Arkadians lands steali-.... Trading things and she disappeared while i was gone.  Of course thats when i discovered pike and the coup and yeah.

"If pike has Arkadia and we have no way in, and we have to get on the other side of what is going to be a blockade at dawn, where do u plan to stay" - I

"During they very short time Finn spent at Arkadia, he was still out hunting and mapping and he did find a cave that will be perfect, and it will be relatively easy to cover the opening so neither pike no the commanders army will be able to bother us" -C

There was a slight tension when Clarke mentioned Finns name, at the realization that both the person who killed him was there, and the person who had wished for his death was there

"How do we know some one else has not already discovered the cave and they haven't taken it or patrol it" -I

"Finn covered the entrance already so u can only barely tell its there even if ur looking at it, he was going to use it for something i'm sure"

The rest of the day was spent walking, sometimes in comfortable silence, sometimes in uncomfortable silence, and sometimes in conversation, Octavia started a little game of pick up lines, Which Clarke pretty much won with "Are u cinderella because i see that dress coming off at midnight".

Then another conversation started off of  to explain too Indra who cinderella was, and after that there was  a story told by indra that was kinda like cinderella,  they called her the stepaprisa (shoe princess)

The tale of course was much more gruesome then the cartoon fairytale movie played on the ark in the children's room about once a month on someones or another's birthday.

"She kills her stepsisters"? -C

"Meanness must have blood" octavia said jokingly and every body somehow laughed at the mockery of the overused grounders words

This could work, Clarke thought, the grounders and the skaikru.  This thought in her mind gave her so much hope that she truly smiled for the first time since she left Lexa, she smiled bc she felt this meant her and Lexa could be what Clarke oh so much wanted them to be.  Lexa was the only person who knew how to talk to Clarke and understood everything Clarke had been through, including the weight if all the blood she felt on her hands, mostly because Lexa had the feeling too. Too Clarke all that stood in her way was pike, little did she know of Bellamy and Jaha.

Kinda shortish chapter 1, clexa fluff will come soon don't worry and, pls comment even if ur reading this late i need motivation bc im lazy

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