Chapter 3: whos making plans

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Clarke's POV:
We did eventually reach the cave which i regret took me longer to find then i would have liked it too. I don't know why not, for some reason i still constantly feel like i need to prove myself to everyone, less so too Octavia, and barely anything went to murphy from me.

But Indra, i respected so much about her, the way she protected Lexa made me utterly grateful. But the way she commanded her own self and the way said everything it was like my respect for her just constantly grew.

Once inside the cave no words were even exchanged we all just passed out immediately in our own ways


I woke up and heard stirring at the front of the cave, it was gone quickly and i assumed a small animal but still i went to check it out. What i found at first i assumed a trap, but then i realized who it was from.

A bracelet, my heart fluttered a little and i chuckled. I was even more exited for the note.

"It goes on your wrist - ai hodness"

It was so small and so simple, i wanted more, more of her handwriting, more of her subtle smiles. I just wanted her, and i couldn't have her right now, i had my people. In my head i thought something i never thought i would.
"Dang a freaking hate my people"

I headed back in the cave very quietly, still everyone hopped up at the noise except murphy who just looked confused as how they had even heard me.

"Clarke what the hell... Why were u even out there this early" -O

" i heard something and i went to check it out" -C

"Anddd..." Both Octavia and Indra looked at me with expectant stares

"As i originally expected it was a small animal" -C

Everyone was either sitting up rubbing their eyes or already up at this point.

Octavia clapped her hands and said "ok lets get to the plan"

Then everyone looked at me expectantly. I wasnt sure to be offended or honored, i was slightly offended that i had to be the one to make the plan as if it was my only purpose. But my fighting skills werent actually nearly as good as my negotiation skills so i kindof saw there side.

"First we need to determine if we will use the radio and if it will be safe. Then we need to scout around the camp and check for any weak points to get Warriors in and out. And we need some supplies and food so we can survive here okay". -c

We determined we had to use the radio and ay least see if it was safe because we really needed help on the inside. Since i knew it was kanes private radio i had a feeling he would be able to keep it safe and unbugged.

We came to the conclusion that Octavia and Indra would Scout outside the camp and look for weak points or ways to get in. Then Murphy wood get food and supplies for our stay at the cave. We are all going to stay and try to call cane first. If no one answers the radio I will be staying here to listen for any response.

We radioed

"Kane come in" -c

We knew that even if pike was listening in he wouldnt be able to determine the voice bcause the cave walls would make it static. However even if he could that wouldn't even mean he knew we were close or about the coming blockade.


Static begain coming through

"Whoever this is, i cant talk here, i will call when im clear".

The voice on the other end was very clearly Kanes. Still never in a way i had heard it before it seemed shaky and unsure.

Octavia and indra went out to scout and assured they would bring back as much food as they could find along the way. Murphys slightly useless form got up and shrugged to the edge of the cave.

"murphy.. dont do anything stupid.... or at least try to be smart for once... at this point i dont know if your worth the trouble anymore".

There was some joking in my tone and some seriousness

"You got it princess". He said exaggerating the word princess and with an imaginary hat tip he left.

Once they were all gone I sat in Silence with my eyes closed and didn't even think just sat. For a while I was fine and I didn't even notice until the tears silently fell down my face. For a split second I didn't even know why and then it hit me and then tears flew faster. I missed her. It felt like part of my heart was still in Polis. The bracelet was like the smallest piece of our love or was it. I didn't know what it was that was between us but that girl meant so much to me and I hope she knows and I hope I get out of this so I can tell her.

The static started again.

"Who is this".

"Are you clear from bugs".

"Yes, who is this, i cant tell".

"Are you absolutely sure".

His voice got frustrated a little and then even shakier.

"Yes, now please we need help"

"Kane its clarke"

"Oh my goodness clarke thank god, are you safe? Are you still in polis".

"Im safe, i cant say where i am, how do you know ur not bugged".

"Raven" simple answer but i belived so much"

I asked about my mothter and was updated on the situation, then i updated kane on ours.

"Hes badshit crazy i swear" -k

"I know, this whole thing is, but now its time once again for a plan, and kane we gotta do this right or the whole thing goes to shit, and arkadias stuck in a blockade until the grounders loose patience and everyone dies." -c

"Here we go again

Sorry for the late update. I wrote it on my ipod and lost my ipod and it took a lot of motivation to rewrite.
School starts this month and im not readt

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