Chapter 2: far from home

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Lexa pov

Lexa sat on her bed alone as Clarke drifted out the door, she offered a smile and goodbye kiss earlier

Yet still the thought of clarke getting farther and farther from lexa every moment made her want to just cry until she returned

Lexa realized she had to regain her composure and she looked around the bed for the golden circle to place between her eyes, she somewhat laughed at how something so important and respected had been lost in the throws of their activities and how when Clarke had realized it was gone during had kinda laughed too

The thought of Clarke laughing made Lexa smile as she found the little medallion and began to dress

As she was dressing she found a circular item with a white string of paper it read

It goes on your wrist, ai hodness (my love)

Lexa couldn't believe all the little smiles she was getting here and there even though her love was gone, she prayed she would return soon and slipped the bracelet onto her wrist covering it with her sleeve

She thought of Clarke's return home, but she knew she would not being going into arkadia, and then Lexa wondered if that was even home for clarke anymore.  She wondered if polis was even home for her.  Most people call home where they grew up with their parents, lexa however was taken from her parents well before she knew them, polis still did not feel like home.  Clarke felt like home, or whatever sense of home one is supposed to have lexa thought.  And in this moment she knew that she was far from home.  This was the first she ever understood the feeling of home and she had to be away from it too know.  What a cruel fate to be a commander she thought. Her hone was gone, her clarke was gone

She put on her mask, bottled her feelings and thiughts, put her swords on her back and exited the room to go train the natblidas

When she showed up to the training grounds she saw aden perk up at the sight of her, he immediately came over to lexa. He half jogged half walked trying not to show his excitement but failing miserably.

"Heda" he bowed

"Hello aden", Lexa gave a nod and for a reason she didn't quite know let a smile out, aden had a bit of shock on his face but recovered quickly and asked Lexa to train with him

She entered the sparring circle with a staff and aden held one as well, as it was clear she would not be first to attack aden swung at her and she deflected, he stepped back trying to examine weak points better, he swung again and tried to go under her block but failed, this time Lexa spun and tapped his leg revealing a weak spot

"Watch this spot aden its become a regular  weakness for you"

He looked at her and thought for a moment, then he attacked
, he stepped back and waited for her return and then he whipped around and hit her back leg.  Lexa stood a little in shock at how he had used a her advice

" Sha heda" a little smirk grew on his face that he did not attempt to hide and Lexa smiled at him.

Titus came to collect the natblidas and Lexa didn't even acknowledge his presence, he made her think of Clarke and blaming him for Clarke's absence was easy so she did

But then before he left she called to him using his title instead of his name which she usually only did in meeting


"Sha heda"

I would like you to send a rider or go out yourself and immediately start training a new fleimkeepa or two

At first there was a little shock but then not even a bit, he understood, he knew that bringing up Costia the other day was a sore spot, but it was now that i felt i was protecting Clarke from his words, or maybe a repeat of some larger scheme he may be planning as gustus did.

He walked away with the natblidas and i looked around the sparring circled before heading back to the tower through the market.

As i passed through the shops something caught my eye.  It looked like the thing Clarke left in my room which i found to be called a bracelet in sky people terms.  It was simple like the one Clarke gave me except this on was grey with brighter jewels while mine was darker but with more detailed patterns.  I paid the shopkeeper for it even after they insisted i didn't.  Then i actually headed back to my tower and instructed one of my guards on a little mission before heading to a meeting

By this point it was dark as i entered the room, everyone froze as i strutted to my throne.  Hurriedly all the ambassadors and the few generals scurried to their seats. 

I breathed in and out and gathered all my thoughts not entirely sure if i wanted to hear all the answers to my many questions.

"The generals of trikru may begin. With their update of their plans moving the blockade into affect with the trikru armies end.  Then we will see which other armies will be summoned and which will be stationed where.  After, we will discuss which prisoners are to be brought to polis or tonDC before execution. 

The majority of the blockade would be made up of the trikru, desert clan and azgedas armies.  All the other clans would be sending at least some warriors but would mostly be preparing for damage control and healing measures to be taken if a breach in the blockade was made or a war broke out".  Azgeda had almost all of the south side part in their responsibility (overeagerly of course) roan was on the throne but his warriors still opposed skaikru and there was nothing he could about that. 

I was at least glad that i knew clarke would be on the part of the blockade controlled by trikru, the desert clan took basically all the rest because besides azgeda and trikru there armies were positioned the closest.  The glowing tree clan was sending mostly healers because they had the best remedies.  Plains riders were bringing horses and food and so on and so forth.

Then it cane upon as to who would be captured and who would be executed on site if found out side the blockade. 

"Pike can be killed if needed doesn't matter exactly where or when, if he is found alive he will be executed in polis with any one else who is found guilty of enough accounts for death.  These people if found outside the blockade or near it MUST be brought alive to polis or tonDC to run trial under my final say.  Marcus Kane, Raven Rayes, Monty  green, Jasper Jordan, Bellamy Blake(i gritted my teeth at this name) Octavia, Lincoln and the sick grounders, abby griffin and, "i paused at the beautiful name usually loved to hear and say but now said sullenly, " Clarke griffin"

Grammar mistakes i apologize, ALYCIA  DABNAM CAREYS B-DAY IS TODAY!!!  Keep reading pls

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