chapter 5: into the den

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In the morning probably around 2 o clock while it was dark and dewy outside.  The small group inside the cave began  to rise for the big day ahead. 

Clarke barely got any sleep.  She thought of ways that things could go wrong, and solutions she could give almost  the whole night.  The only thing that finally got her to convince herself to sleep was the thought of lexa.

The thought of lexa behind her in the tent watching her pace and worry.  And telling her there was nothing more she could do.  Clarke of course got distracted and all her thoughts were taken up by the beautiful  face.  The green eyes, the perfect jawline, even the way her face looked with the warpaint.  Once her thoughts finally circled back she decided to take lexas advice and fall into sleep.

It was still dark and hopefully no one inside arkadia was awake, there really was no reason for anyone but the guard to be.   Clarke and octavia were both wishing Bellamy wouldnt be one of the guards on watch this early.

They all snuck around the back in the cover of the forest to the secret entrance kane had informed clarke on. Once inside they waiting in a moderately large tunnel for kane.  Clarke new that miller, abby, harper, and lincoln were all on kanes side.  Obviously kane, lincoln and abby were suspected to be working against pike.

Kane showed up and ushered them all to a small room in the bottom area of the ark where a small computer was set up with harper and miller sitting by it.

"Where's raven" Clarke's asked after she hugged them both genuinely.

"Setting up the distraction, and the rest with Sinclair". -Miller

Clarke didn't know of Sinclairs involvement but just decided to not ask about people she didn't know we're involved.  She knew she hadn't been here and still felt like it was partly her fault.  But she also knew they needed all the help they could get.

She looked around the room.  There was the normal metal table with two chairs and the computer.  The rest of the room was setup oddly.  There were plants on mostly all the other surfaces.  There was a couch too and a cot in the corner she presumed they slept on while waiting here for plans or such.

"What was this place?" Clarke asked, miller and harper looked at kane kindof questioning the status if their little hideaway for the first time.

"it was my office, I collected and logged as many plants  as I could and studied them.  Some for farm station, some for my mom" he said, quickly shutting down anymore  questions he changed the subject

"As we said earlier raven and Sinclair are setting  up a distraction.  One that will gets pikes attention, but not one big enough to wake the sleeping camp.  The farmers and early risers will be up in 3 hours, we should be out without any civilian interfearance.  The guards obviously are not too be killed.  I know you kids won't think  of that if the situation becomes dire.  But a lot of them are just like bellamy, and a lot of people care about them too, remember that before you act. Kane proclaimed wisely in a little speach as he makes eye contact with each of the kids which he felt a almost fatherly bond to now.

"How do we know when pike is up and on the move, and where are we going to grab him and-" clarke was interrupted by kane.

"Instead of tons of questions how about we just run through the whole plan" was kanes reply.  And thats what they did.

Miller got up and headed out to Pikes room to tell him that there was an issue in the bay where the Rover was kept and that Sinclair needed him.

Unfortunately but expectantly Pike had two guards with him. But worst of all one of the guards was Bellamy.

At hearing bellamys voice through the bug they had placed on miller murphy implemented some dry humor stating "of course bellamy's there, convinient as shit that guy".

Kane armed there little group.  Clarke was given the gun with the knockout darts so she and kane took the front. 

Clarke, Octavia, kane, and harper came around the corner (raven, octavia, and sinclair were prepping their escape, murphy and licoln were coordinating) with guns high and alert.  They were almost to the point where they were to confront and take pike when 3 guards stepped out of the room in the hallway before them. 

They all looked tired and unamused (probably from starting an early shift).  Suddenly they  became very alert at thse sight of the small trained group.  They however didnt have any time to react as their bodies slumped to ground each we with knockout darts in them.

At this point they were so close to where they were supposed to meet miller they didnt even bother doing anything more than shoving their sleeping forms into their room.

Sadly those 3 guards ruined so much more than they thought (this is what happens when people are forced to wake up early... cough cough school) 

Down the next hallway miller was making his way eberything going to plan yet he was still tweaking.  His hands were clammy and sweaty.   He felt like everybody somehow knew what he knew and he was going to be turned on any second.

That is not what happened.  They heard shots around the corner.  Not from a gun with bullets, and miller knew they were screwed.  He didnt know if he should just yell to clarke and hit the deck, or if he should  stay and try later.  Bellamys gun flew into place trained on the corner as did the other guards.

Miller realized he would never be able to help enough to get them out if they were captured and decided to go for a hail marry.  At this point his boyfriend wasnt here or on his side.  Bellamy was off his rocker and he needed to save the poeple of arkadia.  He had nothing to loose knowing arkadia would eventually fall of this coup didnt work.

Miller yelled with all his being those fateful words and hit the cold floor as he saw bellamy look on and that acck at him with pure dissaprooval and hate.

Authors note:
Field hockey and school are starting soon, so im trying to write alot more now.

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