Chapter 7: Do you want to live with us?

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"Are you sure your okay for me to kill, innocent people?" He ask nervously and you glare at him. "Yes i am." He sighs and flops down on your couch, "Okay, okay i'll continue." You smile, brightly and tackles him with a hug.

"Good." You say as you rub your cheek on his cheek.

He smile, his beautiful smile and kisses you on the cheek. "I love you." You giggle and said "I love you too." He carries you and you start laughing. "Want to have some fun?" He smirks and you tilt your head, grinning. "What kind of fun? Better not be like a pervert, like Ben."

He pouts, "That was what i was thinking!" You glare at him for the second time, today. He kisses you again.

"Well, does the Creepypastas out?" He shakes his head, "Nah, they only go at night to make their hunt." You nod as you jump out of his embrace. "Can we visit them??" He put his finger on his chin, thinking.

"Well, maybe we can go bu-Ah!" Before you let him finish, you pull him and started opening the door but realized, you were with Jeff, Jeff the killer. You gulp and turned to him. "Is there another way we can go there without being caught?"

He rolls his eyes, smiling. "Yeah, the woods remember?"

"Ohhhhh....." You nod as you remember and you go off, Jeff on your tail. You stop and hold his hand, pushing him to lead. "I kinda forgot where it is..." You look down shyly, he laughs as he leads you to the woods.

You pant and put your hand on your bent knees as you keep up. "Now, i feel guilty to you when you carried me all the way here." You managed to say between pants as you lean at Jeff's shoulder, he laughs and waves.

"Don't worry, i know you were kinda heavy but i'm use-" You glare at him as you cut him off, "You calling me fat, Jeff?" He laughs and shakes his head while you stay, glaring at him.

"Of course not!" You punch him on the shoulder and he smirks. "That hurts." He complains and you roll your eyes, you continued walking, "Yeah, ye-" You bump into something or someone. You fall but was saved by the person.

You look up and saw Slendy, "Why hello, ______-" He helps you and looks at Jeff. "And Jeff." Jeff smiles and grabs your hand. "Hey, Slendy, can you carry us?" Slendy, not complaining, nods and let his tentacles show as it carries you too.

You see the house coming up and you smile. Jeff notices you smiling and smiled too, you always make him do it too.

Slendy sets you down carefully and you put your hands on the air as you barged in. Everybody greeted you and you greet back as they lead you to some games they were playing. Jeff's smile stay still.

Slendy stays and ask Jeff to follow him. They started to talk. "Ben gave me some news and-" Jeff cuts him off, "I know i said that but _____ let me do it again, so i'm going out tonight to hunt." Jeff says, smiling his big carved smile as Slendy nods, disappearing.

Jeff mutters, "For now, i'll have some fun." He joins you and the others inside.

You and Ben were playing (f/g) and you were winning. Ben groaned as you win, fist pumping the air and you laughed at him. You saw Jeff, smiling at you and you smiled back as you continue to play with the others.

Night came and you sigh, contently. You watch as they eat their dinner, fast. They were like your family and it felt like home. You decided to stay the night and Jeff leads you to the extra room they have.

You open the door and admire the decorations. The wall was painted (f/c) and had some (f/f) on it. You saw twin beds and you climb on the top, claiming it yours. Jeff laughs an joins you at the top.

"Why are you here? You have your own room right?" He frowns, "Want me to get out of here?" You blush and hold him, "No, no! It's just that, you don't like your own room?" You ask and he shrugs. "I like it but i like it better with you at my side."

He looks at you and kisses you, you kiss back. "Hey, ______?" You tilt your head, "What is it?"

He sighs and asks you, "Do you want to live with us?" You were shocked but thought it over and snuggle on his chest. "That would be alright." His face brightens as he hugs you tight. You laugh and managed to say, "You're squeezing me, Jeff."

He lets you go and jumps down. "Well then, tomorrow you will live here now." You nod but you remembered something. "What about my things?" He thinks about it and gets an idea and says, "Don't worry." as he exits your room.

Jeff The Killer x Reader Book 1!: The Killer Is Here Where stories live. Discover now