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B: there was a guy.

Peep: ;)

Dundundun: where

B: at the movie theater

Tyler!: the spot for budding romance

B: shut up

Dundundun: what's his name

Dundundun: did u ask or is this gonna be another month

B: kys his name is Hal
[HAL JORDAN  mmmhmhm i love green lantern]

Dundundun: oh ik him

Dundundun: he's a last resort person don't go after him

Tyler!: wh

Ptrick: how does this consistently happen

Peep: ^ how do u know literally everyone

Dundundun: I dunno I like people and people like me

B: ok first of all I'm gonna do it

B: & how many friends do u have on Snapchat jeez

Dundundun: idk

Tyler!: the notifs for his Snapchat are always in the hundreds

Tyler!: 200 if he posts a good picture of us

B: ok how many people view ur story

Dundundun: like

Dundundun: 800-900 ish

Peep: wtf I have 40

B: how tf do u respond to us

Dundundun: y'all are on my private Snapchat

Dundundun: for super close friends and family + Tyler

Ptrick: aw I feel so special

Tyler!: wait why am I in a separate category

B: does Dallon know

Dundundun: yeah I told him I had two & why

Tyler!: why am I in a separate category

Peep: k good



Dundundun: heyyyyyy Dallon

DJW: ?

Dundundun: I got someone for u if ur reaaady ;;)

B: a spider

Tyler!: kill it before it says anything

B: get the shoe

Dundundun: thanks guys


Peep: can u bring back my shoe

Dundundun: no I'm keeping it also burning it in my fire pit and roasting marshmallows over it

DJW: mmm school starts soon

DJW: I think I'm gonna try to get back in the swing of things & find someone from there

Peep: u do u boo

Dundundun: ^ whatever works for u

B: no pressure

Dundundun: pressure for b

B: >:(

Ptrick: ??

Tyler!: oh boy

Dundundun: I was talking with Brendon's mom and she was like "when I come back make sure he's with someone or else I'm not making saltwater taffy for you guys ever again"

DJW: that doesn't make sense ? She wants him to be on top of things ?

B: I've done it before

B: I complain about being alone & she's tired of it

Ptrick: huh

Peep: she said if I got u someone then she'd make me free Mac n cheese for the rest of my life

Peep: in other unrelated news I think u would rlly like this guy josh found

Peep: we're getting u a guy as a joint effort

B: @ Hal tho

Tyler!: she promised me wifi access whenever I needed it with no questions asked we gotta at LEAST get u a goood one

Ptrick: she said I'd get a quiet place away from home

B: josh what about u

Dundundun: her saltwater taffy

B: wtf she won't let me have any

DJW: I had some.

DJW: I still have some.


Dundundun: did she tell u ur allergic to the flavoring she uses

DJW: aw she's looking out for you !!!

B: What

B: she never told me

Peep: huh I ?? Wonder ???? Why ????????

Tyler!: once she told u that you were allergic to peanuts and you left and ate as many as you possibly could and u went into anaphylactic shock on my kitchen floor

DJW: oh goodness

DJW: that's hilarious.

DJW: I'm crying

Ptrick: well

Dundundun: what

Ptrick: a while ago he ate like all of the peanuts in my kitchen and someone had to take him to the hospital because he went into anaphylactic shock


Dundundun: HA


DJW: you haven't learned your lesson ????

B: I like. Peanuts.

Tyler!: dude

Tyler!: u can't eat them

B: they taste good.

Dundundun: ur allergic.

B: I like them.

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