Chapter 11

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Taking a deep breath, I begin to explain.

"I had a decent childhood. I lived with my mother and my brother, Andrew. I never knew my father, he kind of skipped out when I was about three I think. We were basically a normal family until I was twelve; going to movies, holidays, game night...that kind of shit. So, I always knew that my mom was dating around, well sleeping around, but it didn't really interfere with my life until she announced that she was pregnant. She didn't know which guy it was so it was up to us. The baby died in childbirth and after that she got really depressed, and I mean really depressed. Andrew went to college and I had to take care of her. I thought that if loved her and took good care of her, she would magically get better. That went on until I was fourteen. I was out one night, trying to make friends or something and she had an anxiety attack. She went around the house and took whatever pill she could get her hands on. Hell, the woman even took a whole bottle of vitamins. When I got home, she kept going in and out. I had to shove my fingers down her throat and make her throw up most of the pills while the ambulance got to our place. My mother is in the mental facility at the hospital now. I try to visit her at least once a week. She hasn't spoken a word to me in two years, Luke. I cracked last night. I just had to get out of there and I basically told her that I didn't care what she did anymore. I don't, to be honest. I just can't wait until I graduated and get away from this shit hole.

"Sorry, it's a lot to take in, but I thought you should know since I did come here crying last night and yeah..." I finish, playing with my fingers.

"Hey.." he starts, wiping the few tears that had escaped my blinking eyes, "everyone's got shit. Hell I have shit too. Kid, we can't change our situation, we can only change the way we deal with it. Okay?"

"Okay. And don't call me kid, I'm not even that much younger than you." I protest. "How old are you anyway?"

"17, you?"

"Aww damn!" I groan, hitting his arm lightly. I'm only 16...but I'm still cooler than you!" I taunt, jumping on him.

Howling with laughter, Luke grabs me by the waist and sits me down on his lap. Slowly, he brushes a piece of hair from my face and leans in.

I quickly cut him off by placing my hand in front of his mouth.

"Can we brush our teeth first?" I smile, sheepishly.

"Well hurry up! Lets go!" He laughs, pushing me off of his lap and jumps up chasing me.


Sorry this was short! I just wanted to get her background out there. I really wanna hear some feedback so please leave me someeee!

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