Chapter Two

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It has been about a week or so since I was part of Tsume's 'Pack'. Codi and I have become really good friends, but I can tell that they still don't trust me. I left the army, broke my GPS, in which they still haven't found me, yet they have a hard time trusting me. 

I walked down the alley as I saw Codi walk down, a smile fully pronounced on her face.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked, a slight chuckled escaped my lips, as a smile returned to her face.

"Tsume is starting to lighten up! Maybe it's because he finally has more of his kind." Codi exclaimed as I nodded.

"Well he seems to be warming up to you." I pointed out as Codi was holding back a blush.

"We have been together, well since we were in the same pack." Codi explained as I nodded. "You know the scar across his chest?"


"That is from when he defied the pack. I also got the same mark." She showed her wolf from revealing her claw mark across her back.

"That must have hurt.." I said in shock, not knowing what else to say. She then showed her human illusion.

"It's something I'm not proud of. I left behind my brother and sister. But Tsume appreciated it since I stood up for him. He still ended up with the scar. He knew what what I managed to do. Tsume was never the same again..." She explained as I nodded. "What about your family? I know you said she died for you, but I know there is more to the story." I took a deep breath.

"I grew up with my mom. We did everything together, but I never knew my dad, he left before I could meet him. That all changed when hunters killed our pack, along with my mother who died right in front of me. My mother told me to never show my wolf form again, ever since then I never showed my wolf from again." I said as Codi was wide eyed.

"I'm sorry." That was all she needed to say.

"It's not your fault." I responded.  My ears twitched as I heard soldiers voices.

"Turn here." I heard Codi say as I nodded. I quickly ducked under as Codi continued. "They will kill us if we aren't careful."

"I know."

"Can you listen in?"

"Why not you?" I questioned confused.

"Just do it!" Codi scolded as I nodded, holding my hands up in defense.  I closed my eyes and listened in on their conversation.

"We have been searching for days, can't we just say shes dead?" The first soldier sighed in defeat.

"You know what will happen if we give up? And besides we could get a 10,000 reward for her head!" The second soldier said with a smile.

They have a reward on me. That's nice....

"Yeah, and if we do find her, they are going to kick her out and kill her!" The first male said with excitement. My eyes lowered in a glare, a deep growl emitting from my throat. Codi must have heard as she put her hand on my shoulder, probably an attempt to calm me down.

"It's not worth it..." She said sternly as I turned to her.

"And waiting around, letting humans rule over us is any better?" I questioned as she continued to hold me back.

"Ariss, please,  The only reason we don't fight back is because we don't want to disrupt the balance, they've have left us alone this long. Its time for us to go." She pulled my shoulder, back as I followed her lead.


As we headed back to the hideout, I was right on Codi's heels as she saw blood and quickened her pace. When we reached the top floor, Codi flew to Tsume's side.

"What happened?" She questioned as Tsume looked at her.

"I don't need help." He said stubbornly I rolled my eyes. My ears twitched to the side and saw Three males walk into the door.

"How did you find me?" Tsume questioned, not even looking up at them.

"It's not that hard to follow the scent of blood." A black haired male said as Tsume scoffed.

"Heh, you going to convince me to go to Paradise again?" Tsume said with a smirk as he looked up at the male. 

"No, but the scent is gone." He state as my eyes widened.

He was right, that particular scent had disappeared. The one that brought me here, the one I was following since day one. I don't know why, my mother told me to come here, maybe she could've smelled it here too. 

"And isn't that the reason why we are all here?" The same male spoke.

"I've got everything I need right here." Tsume stated stubbornly,  putting his hands behind his head.

"We are leaving for Paradise tonight. Either you are with us or you will be left behind." The black haired male turned to me.

"Would you and your friend want to come?" He questioned as I thought for a moment, but it didn't last long as I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, if it isn't too much trouble." I said with a slight smile as he nodded. 

"We are all trying to get to the same place," He then turned to Tsume. "Are you going?"

"Heh, I guess. Just don't slow me down." He said with a cocky tone and the black haired male nodded and lead us out.


We all ran. Ran for our lives to be more accurate. Somehow the army found us because we were on boards that were no bigger than a foot. My heart skipped a beat as we stepped onto them.

"Who's idea was this?" I growled defensively, looking across to see Codi running close to me.

"The leader of our little pack." She pointed out sarcastically, obviously not liking the idea either. We quickly got off of the boards and ended up jumping up to a building as the black haired male stopped and turned back to where we had came from.

"Come on Kiba, let's go!" Just as the guy with a colar spoke, Tsume came running towards us. The male, who was called Kiba said.

"Let's go."

The winter air blew through my cloths. I jumped after Kiba as the brown haired male followed.

"Hey, come on runt!" The male  with a collar spoke.

"I was getting ready too!" The runt called down to us as I barely heard Tsume say.

"Come on.." He said bluntly before hearing a adrenaline rushed yell as the runt landed in the snow.

"Tsume, you coming?" Codi asked as he had a slight smirk.

"I can't let you guys have all of the fun." He said as a gun shot nearly missed him. He had the smirk as he jumped down and followed. Kiba lead us into the darkening waste Land.

But what can say? I'm finally free!

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