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(I kept things white/grey so you can pick your own colour scheme) 

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(I kept things white/grey so you can pick your own colour scheme) 

I found myself drifting when I was sketching, tip of the pencil wearing down as my body took over and my brain shut off. I moved my hand blindly in rough, experimenting strokes, and though my eyes were fixed on the drawing, they were unfocused and far away. 

"Uwoh! That's so cool!" I heard a loud chirp over my shoulder, at the shrill yell of excitement and the gentle hands clamping on my shoulder, I snapped out of my trance. Blinking in surprise I stared down at the sketch that I had come up with, glancing over my shoulder I spotted a class mate of mine, one I had noted from their visible quirk.

Skin tinged pink, eyes black around the iris and horns poking out of heavily curly hair. I recalled the paper I had been given a few days prior to the beginning of the term, the names and faces of my fellow students to refrain from any embarrassing introductions. I remembered her to be Mina Ashido.

I let out a nervous laugh and leaned back in my seat so she could see better, her yell of admiration for my drawing seemed to catch the attention of other, equally excitable students in the class. 

Apparently, I was the only one in class yet to design a costume. Everyone had bought their print outs, drawings of pictures compiled of cut outs of other costumes all put together from home and were simply waiting for time to be up to hand them in. 

I found myself surrounded by Tsuyu, Aoyama, Kaminari, Kirishima and Mineta. All chattering amongst themselves rather loudly, or rather, trying their best to chat to me over one another. Some complimenting the outfit, Tsuyu, other's complimenting the revealing aspect of it, Mineta. 

Placing the pencil down, I glanced up at the clock, only then noticing how much time had passed. The time was almost up at this point, Mr. Aizawa slowly rousing from sleep, standing up sluggishly, sleeping bag still wrapped tightly around his body. His eyes drooped tiredly and his hair was even messier than before.

"Time's up, hand in your designs and we'll send them off to the clothing department" he mumbled tiredly, finishing off with a wide yawn. There was the obnoxious sound of chair scraping against the floor as everyone got up to turn in their designs one by one. 

Once we had all returned to our seats, there was a not so neat stack of papers on the desk in front of him. He sighed and unzipped the sleeping back, kicking it aside once he had stepped out of it so he could straighten the papers. 

"Follow the maps, head down to the changing rooms, your gym clothes will be waiting for you there. Wait for me on the track field outside while I hand these in".

No one moved as we waited for permission to leave our seats, taking the stack of paper's in hand, Aizawa glanced up at us with a raised brow. 

"Well? What are you waiting for? Get a move on already".

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