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Anxiety shot to my fingertips like veins filled with burning ice, my lungs quivered with fear, breaths leaving my lips in stuttered pants. Walking through the halls of the test building, I gulped in fear at the sight of the left over damage from Bakugo and Midoriya's one-on-one fight.

As Team B, Ojiro and I were tasked with guarding the bomb, given a head start to locate and secure the bomb, we hurriedly made our way inside the mostly recovered building. Our job was to guard and defend the bomb under any circumstances, the only thing out of the window was death. All Might had granted us permition to pull all stops as long as it didn't lead to fatality.

The prospect that maybe, just maybe, one of us could be put in the position where being a hero would become a fate unreachable due to severe injuries, set a deep nagging fear through my body.

I dreaded reaching the room tht held the bomb, I dreaded calling to All Might through the comms to tell him we were ready. But backing out now meant that I could never get to where I wanted to be, backing out now meant all of the effort, and the training, and the tests, it would all be for nothing. And I wasn't ready to just throw that all away, with a deep breath to steel my nerves, I paused behind Ojiro.

In front of us, was the door to the bomb room, Ojiro's hand positioned over the door knob. Casting a glance at me from over his shoulder, eyebrows pinched together and furrowed, asking for silent assurement of whether or not I was prepared to begin.


It felt like we had been standing there for hours, when truthfully, it couldn't have been more than a minute. My hand pressed against the bomb, so even with my eyes glued to the door, I would know if they had somehow snuck in some other way and moved the bomb.

Ojiro stood ahead of me, tail lifted over his head defensively. His stance protective of not only me, but the bomb. It was completely silent, the air still with inactivity; tension was growing thicker by the second. I didn't dare close my eyes for a second, eyes burning with the desperate urge to blink, to rest.

What was that quote again? Falling in love is like falling asleep, slowly and then all at once. Well, this wasn't quite falling in love, more like-- the door flying off of it's hinges with a sudden rush of overflowing ice.

It started with a quiet rumbling from underneath us, a miniscule shaking in the floor beneath our feet. Heart rate sky rocketting, I stepped back and closer to the bomb "what is that?" Ojiro breathed out under his breath "what kind of qui--"

The doors burst open, flying off of their hinges with splinters of wood, the temperature in the room dropped instantly. Ojiro released a pained cry, his body from the neck down encased in ice within the blink of an eye. I wasn't given the slightest second to react, moments after the ice had carried Ojiro to the side of the room and pinned him to the wall. I felt the freezing stiff of the ice at my feet, eyes wide with horror I watched as Todoroki, on his own, made his way into the room slowly, calm as the eye of a storm.

The ice was up to my chest in a matter of seconds, my left arm pinned to my side, tips of the ice reaching up towards the fingertips of my left arm "I won't lose that easily" my voice trembled; though it was hard to tell whether it was from the fear of what might come, or the chill seeping into my skin through the ice.

Jaw clenched tight, with my neck the only joint provided with movement, I leaned down towards the ice encasing my torso, squeezing my eyes closed. My cheeks pressed to the jagged edge of the icicle, with a jerk of my head and pained hiss, the sharp edge of the ice cut into the soft skin of my cheek leaving a drop of blood on the very tip, which froze instantly.

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