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The weeks that passed were filled with trianing and anticipation, the sports festival arriving sooner than any of us could have expected. Before I knew it, the date of my next appointment with Dr. Ennoyama was due. With a deep breath, I slung my bag of clothes over my shoulder and met my parents by the door.

Parked by the side of the road, the specialist smiled brightly in greeting from the drivers seat of his car. My mother's gentle fingers brushed the hairs away from my face, and a loving kiss adorned my forehead as they saw me off.


The car ride was for the most part silent, and the distance short. Whilst we had moved to our current house for the proximity to the school, we were also moved with the distance of the lab in mind. The lab, which was quickly approaching, was a tall building, coated in white tiled with large windows, it appeared much like a hospital, the only difference were the things that went on inside.

Only those who had been scouted were allowed to enter, and within the individual rooms, quirk dedicated tests were performed. As Dr. Ennoyama pulled into his parking space, he gently slapped the steering wheel and with a smile he turned to face me "ready?" he questioned, unbuckling his seat belt.

Following suit, I took a deep breath and sent a small smile of my own "you know it".

With a brief greeting to the secretary at the reception desk, Dr. Ennoyama guided me through to his office and testing room. Much like a doctor's office, there was a small medical issue bed, knowing the protocol - I laid myself down upon it. Bag hanging on the hook fastened to the door, I took a deep breath as I laid back on the paper laid down for sanitary purposes.

Donning his pristine white lab coat, he stepped towards the drawers filled with medical supplies on the left hand side of the room. He fished out a new, packeted syringe and reached up into the glass cabinets to pull out a small fluid filled bottle. Unpackaging the syringe, he pushed the needle into the thin metal cap of the bottle. Filling the syringe, he placed the bottle back in its place, tapped and squirted the air bubbles out of it and made his way over to me.

During his walk over, he grabbed the small medical table on wheels, placing the syringe down with his cap on as he grabbed a cotton ball from the small metal tray, soaking it in rubbing alcohol.

Wordlessly, I pushed up the sleeve of my right arm to give him access, the wet ball of cotton swiped and disinfected a small area on the inside of my elbow. Taking hold of the syringe and uncapping it, he glanced up at my face, and gave a reassuring smile.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath, flinching with a quiet grunt as the needle pressed into my skin, it was something that I couldn't quite get used to. The painful pressure of the fluid being pushed into my veins and the prick of the break of the skin.

In a fluid, painless motion, the needle was removed and an iodine soaked cotton ball was pressed to the small wound to stop any bleeding and rid of any bacteria that may cause infection.

It was within moments that I had begun to feel drowsy, eyelids heavy and head turning to look at the doctor with a loll. This happened with each of my appointments, Dr. Ennoyama's reasoning, was whether my quirk was activated by pain, or by damage. It was something I couldn't quite understand, for how was I supposed to use my quick unconscious? But I learnt quickly not to question his teachings.

Nimble fingers clutched my hand, gently patting the back in a reassuring action. My tired eyes lifted to stare up at the doctor, his face growing blurrier by the second "there, there, (Y/n). Just relax and go to sleep, everything will be fine, like always".


He couldn't believe his luck. How he, Kensuke Ennoyama, a simple quirkless scientist and managed to catch sight of the exciting quirk out of the blue. It was an opportunity he just couldn't pass up. A part of him knew this was wrong, as he stared down at her unconscious body laying on the hard medical bed, but all that was easily overpowered by the desperate need to be relevant. To not have his worth judged by his lack of quirk, but rather, the discoveries he's made and the advancements he could make in his field.

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