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Pain ripped through my arm, nerves shooting up to my brain and back down towards my fingertips when the hard ball came into contact with fragile skin. I let out a shaky breath through my nose, jaw clenched tight and eyes prickling with the tears that threatened to grow. Luckily, I hadn't hit myself hard enough to break a bone, but I could practically feel the small blood vessels break and pool underneath the skin to form a nasty bruise.

I ignored the shocked and worried yells from my class along the sidelines, the sound of gravel shifting as Aizawa threatened to take a step towards me, to ask just what I was doing, but trusting my judgement and knowledge of my own body, he kept his ground. I could feel the rush of power tingling my finger tips, the ball felt lighter in my hand - rolling from my fingers to my wrist without the slightest movement of my hand.

After the many years of training myself and honing my abilities with the help of Dr. Ennoyama, with the smaller items I didn't have to use unnecessary hand movements to manipulate them. This would make it harder for any opponents to tell what exactly I was controlling, but the bigger the object or the bigger the action, the use of my hands and complete focus was needed.

Taking position, I angled myself to the side, tip of my left shoe touching the line as I reeled my dominant arm behind my head and with a deep breath, I threw my arm forward. The uninjured arm propelled the ball forward and into the distance, first, I let the momentum of my throw carry the ball before keeping my arm outstretched, eyes narrowed as before it began to descend, I triggered my control over the ball and continued it's journey as far as I could take it.

I pushed it as far as I deemed necessary, knowing that I could never get an infinite continuance like Uraraka had, I settled for second best, stopping only when the ball had successfully left the prefecture.

Dropping my arm, I dropped control over the ball, uninjured hand coming up to rest over the bruise blooming on my forearm. The class around me was silent, Aizawa's eyes narrowed in a serious concentration. I bowed to him politely as I made my way back to the group, joining Uraraka and Yaoyorozu's side.

"(Y/n), that was amazing!" Uraraka whispered in bewilderment, I could feel a smile tug at my lips, rubbing at the dull ache in my arm nervously "it was nothing compared to what you did, that ball will circle back to earth in a billion years" I joked, leaning over to gently bump my shoulder against hers.

"(Y/n)" Aizawa barked, immediately I straightened my form, ignoring the sound of my adrenaline fueled heart pumping in my ears. Gulping thickly, I stepped forward "yes sensei?" I spoke hesitantly.

"Show me your arm" came his only reply.

Biting my lip, I held up my arm, my hand falling away to reveal the nasty bruise, the reddened area was slowly turning an ugly shade of purple. He sighed and shook his head "what's with the kids this year with painful quirks?" he grumbled under his breath. Nudging his head towards the building he crossed his arms over his chest "go see Recovery Girl, tell Midoriya to get changed and head back to class if he's finished, we'll all be meeting up there once we're done".

I bit my tongue to prevent from protesting his order and nodded with a bow, sending a sheepish smile to the girls behind me before jogging towards the building. With the map mostly memorized, I found the infirmary with minimal trouble. Knocking quietly, I slowly slid the door open; Midoriya was sitting on the closest bed, blinking up at me in surprise, by his feet was a woman, old and small, Recovery Girl.

"Another one?" she mumbled in surprise before sighing and shaking her head "take a seat, young Midoriya is already finished". I glanced down to his hand, noticing the thin layer of bandage around it, obviously mostly healed.

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