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The day was one filled with panic, heavy decisions and a dash of chaos. The press had overstepped their boundaries and sent the students into disarray when the heavy steel boarders surrounded the grounds and sent an ear ringing alarm into the air. Iida had quickly come to a solution, and with a strong act of leadership informed the student body of the real reason the security had been set off. Which lead to Midoriya resigning from his newly appointed position of Class Representative, handing the title to a deserving Iida with little to no disagreement from the class.

Aizawa had been quick to step up to the plate, offering minimal explanation over the Hero class of the day. Our only instruction was to quickly change into our hero costumes of P.E uniforms and meet outside where we would board buses to a building on the grounds. I found myself pressed comfortably against Tsuyu's side on the rather cramped bus seat. Midoriya sat to my right, the only student clad in a gym uniform.

"You know, Midoriya's power really reminds me of All Might" Kirishima's comment had been plenty innocent, and yet I felt Deku tense at my side, a nervous chuckle escaping him. "I can't actually see why" Tsu added. Midoriya was growing incresingly uncomfortable at my side, shifting every so often, but it was to be expected. It must take a strike to the pride to have your Quirk compared to someone elses, Number 1 hero or not.

"Don't be silly, no offense Midoriya, but All Might's way stronger. The only thing that's similar is Deku's superhuman strength" I piped in, Izuku shot a grateful glance my way, his tense shoulders dropping as the other's didn't hesitate to agree.


When the buses pulled up, we walked single file out of the bus, due to Iida's strict instruction. In front of us was a large dome, the size of a large sport stadium, perhaps larger. In front of us, was Aizawa, standing by his side a much shorter figure, clad in an astronaut , visor black to hide their features.

"Thirteen!" I could hear Midoriya's delighted gasp, followed by a string of agreeing hums from students of our class just as happy to see the Pro Hero. Aizawa called out a loud "oi!" and quickly the class silenced, focusing on the two teachers.

"Originally, we were supposed to be joined my All Might, but he's running a little late" our homeroom teacher sighed, exhasperated, leaning down to whisper into the side of Thirteen's helmet. His voice was stooped low, and barely I managed to pick up a few hushed words. Something along the lines of "...saved too many..." and "...time's up", the few phrases were unintelligable on their own. And despite the nagging itch of curiosity picking at the back of my mind, I brushed it off.

We were soon lead inside, up the stairs and forced to stop by the entrance pathway whilst the teachers explained. The dome was larger on the inside somehow, the glass half sphere roof radiated warmth throughout the arena, even so I could see the swirling of hard winds and snow in the distance on one side of the building. According to the Pro's explanation, the idea of today's task was to test our resistance to different extreme climates. From what I could guess, an area would be selected that opposed the student's quirk, for examply, Tsu would be based in the fire zone. And someone like Ashido in the water where her acid would have no use.

"You will be supervised by Aizawa and I, if things get too far sim--"

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