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By the time my confidence to return had restored itself, preparations for the sports festival were already in the making. Putting on the uniform I had once been so excited to wear, was almost foreign to my skin. The knowledge that the person outside of my family that my parents trusted most, had been lying the entire time we had known each other was a hard blow. I could barely bring myself to look in the mirror, the phantom of his wretched touch on my skin made bile raise to my throat.

That morning, I dressed up with my back turned to the full body length mirror, making sure to take my time.

Bag hanging from my fingertips, I stared down at the plate of food my mother had made for me, memories of me grabbing an item or two and running out the door sent waves of guilt running through my system. Placing my bag down on the floor beside one of the seats at the table, I sat myself down and picked up my untensils. I glanced up at my parents as I spooned some rice into my mouth, they glanced at each other, and then down at me in confusion "(Y/n) sweetie, aren't you scared you're gonna be late?" my mother asked hesitantly.

My gaze lifted to the clock hanging over the sink and shook my head "I have plenty of time, I usually get there super quickly anyways". It was clear to them that I was stalling, trying to find it within myself to leave the safety of my home.

"You know you dont have to go honey, you can take another few days if you're still feeling unwell" my mother's concerned voice said gently.

The only information given to my parents was that I had a stomach bug and needed to take a few days off of school, the news of the chip found inside was kept a secret from them for the sake of their mental and emotional health. Pausing, I placed the spoon down, took a deep breath before I smiled brightly at the both "it's fine, the sports festival is starting this week so I have to get back to prepare for it". Pushing myself away from the table and lifting off of the chair I grabbed my bag from where it rested against the leg of my chair.

"I should probably get going, thanks for the food mum, love you both" I spoke up cheerfully as I jogged lightly towards the door, slipping out before they could utter another word and closed it behind me. Pressing my back to the door, my trembling hands ran down my face in an attempt to compose myself. Being outside and feeling the sun on my skin, the wind through my hair and all those other cliché things after locking myself inside for days was a surreal feeling. As I walked further from my door and closer to the street, the more vulnerable I felt, as though someone was always watching, waiting, and lord knows what.

I gripped the straps of my school bag tighter in my hands, feeling the fabric scrunch up in my palms as I walked with a hurried pace down the block towards the gates of my school where I would feel a little safer. Only when I saw the crowd of students wearing identical uniforms did I feel more at peace, and as my eyes settled upon a mop of dual coloured hair, a deep breath of relief slipped out of my mouth.

"Todoroki!" I called out, much to my gratitude, he paused in his steps and turned around, a perplexed expression on his face, curious as to who had called on him when most were usually too intimidated to. To see me practically sprinting towards him must've come as a surprise, judging by his expression, he glanced in the direction I came from and then back at me.

"Is something the matter, (L/n)?" he mumbled curiously.

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