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With the thick mud caking the soles of my boots, the only thing keeping me from sinking or slipping and colliding into one of the protruding roofs was the tight grip on my upper arm. His left hand radiated with warmth as he clutched onto me tightly.


Dual coloured eyes rested upon my own before quickly darting away, cool and calculating, he scanned the area behind me. "We're not alone" he whispered, strong hands gentle in their movements as he tugged me up and towards him, my feet finding semi solid ground, enough for me to stand without slipping.

"It seems that villain's quirk is a warp of some kind" his voice had stooped to a quiet whisper, eyes never coming to a stop as he observed our surroundings. No doubt he could feel the presence of the various enemies stationed around the land slide area, hiding themselves behind protruding buildings and other such rubble. "My guess is he separated us in order to take us out easier, no doubt he thought one of these climates would work against us somehow", Todoroki's quick overview on the situation and all too serious tone wasn't too surprising to me.

The male was known as one of the more serious of the class, perhaps it was because he had yet to open up to us, or perhaps this was just how he was. Brushing the theories towards the back of my mind, I implored myself to focus on the seriousness of the situation.

"Are we the only students in this area?" I whispered.

"I landed on the other side of the area, I haven't come across anyone else as of yet so I can only assume" he mumbled in response "we can't converse like this, or else they'll suspect that we have caught on". He cleared his throat before speaking up "I'm so glad to see you're okay" his voice echoed slightly as he elevated his voice loud enough that the various villains dotted around us would be able to hear with ease.

"I was so worried" his eyes that had not stopped scanning the area around us finally settled on my form, intense and focused, urging me to play along. l was quick to follow "I was so scared" my voice came out choked, trembling in fear that our lie might be easily uncovered. Raising my arms, I slowly looped them around his neck, urging him to lean down slightly to meet my height.

His form tensed beneath my touch, muscles going rigid, it was clear then that this was a type of physical contact that was estranged to him. With my head resting on his shoulder, this allowed an even quieter conversation, guaranteeing the fact that the villains surrounding us wouldn't hear, "play along" I whispered, voice barely audible. Realization flashed actoss his face, disappearing as quickly as it came. Surprisingly gentle arms came to wrap around my waist, clothed limbs barely brushing against the bare skin of my back, as though he was afraid to touch me.

"They're getting closer, they must think they're going to catch us off guard" Todoroki whispered, warm breath brushing the short hairs by the back of my neck, "how can you tell?" was my reply, eyes glanced to the side, catching sight of the short red locks, tapering off behind the male's ear. "They keep peeking out behind the buildings, they're not very smart".

I resisted giving a snort of amusement, hiding a chortle against his shoulder "they're coming, don't move" I kept myself steeled against him. His gentle arms tightened around my midriff, holding me against him protectively, his left hand radiating warmth as it pressed to the small of my back, his right arm uncoiling itself from around my form. A sudden blast of cold air swirled itself around me, air turning a misty white as it shifted to freezing temperatures. Pressed against his right side, warmth permeated my skin, protecting me from the biting cold that expelled from his right hand.

The sounds of pained yelps and the crackling of hardening ice echoed around me, only when Todoroki's left arm loosened around me, did I turn around. Trailing from Todoroki's right foot was a plane of ice, the lower half of the mud slide taken over my solid water, dotting the trail were half a dozen villains, frozen in mid action, some caught in a running pose, other mid attack.

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