Chapter 6

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Sophia's POV

I pull into Liam's driveway. I come out of my car and slam the door shut. I'm so mad, wait, I'm beyond mad. After I'm through with him, he better wish he never kissed Amy. I walk up to his door and kick it open.

"LIAM!!" I shout angrily.

"Oh, hey Sophia!" He says.

"You have three seconds to give me a good reason why you kissed Amy before I punch your head of!" I threaten him.

"Okay Sophia, just calm down..." Liam says slowly.

Before I knew it, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pin him up against the wall. "Don't you EVER tell ME to calm DOWN!" I yell in his face and throw him on the floor.

"Now, tell me why you kissed her!" I yell again.

"Because I love her!" He says while sitting up and putting his face up to his knees.

Even though he kissed her, and ruined Niall and Amy's relationship, I still feel bad. I look back to Liam with tears in my eyes. No! You have to stay strong. I bend down to his height.

"If you ever hurt Amy again, I'll kill you." I whisper.

I stand up, brush off my clothes, and walk out of the house, leaving him to cry and be by himself.

*** Sophia's entire POV was made by Dani, or as you guys know her, Sophia.***


Amy's POV

I heard a cry coming from Baylaa's room. So I got up, whipped the tears from my eyes, and went into her room. When I walked in, she stopped crying.

"Did somebody miss mommy?" I say in a playful voice.

"" I heard her say.

"What did you just say?" I asked.

"Mama!!" She giggled

I was thrilled! She said her first word!! I went over and picked Baylaa up. I text my sister Leah, and Sophia, and told them about it. After I was done texting them, I went out into the kitchen, and put Baylaa in her highchair. Then I got out her banana baby food, and fed it to her. When she was done eating, she started to get sleepy, so I put her back in her crib.

I have been crying ever since the day Niall left. It feels horrible when I pick up Baylaa, and she has to see me cry. Also, she looks just like him. Which makes me cry even more, but today was the first day that I have actually been happy. I'm so thankful to have Baylaa. She is the greatest baby anyone could ask for.

I then got dressed, sat on my bed, and then watched TV. After a while, I started to think of Niall. His eyes, his hair, his smile, and just him. I then started to cry, because I missed him so much.

How could this happen. Just when my life was perfect, it went all down hill. All because of Liam! Why? Just why did he have to kiss me?

I miss Niall so much. He's my prince, and I'm his princess. I love Niall with all my heart. That moment when he left, my heart shattered. It broke into millions of pieces. I can't stand the thought of not being with him.

Why won't he answer my calls or texts? Does he hate me so much that he won't talk to me? All I know is, I will never be ok again. He completes me.

When I was done crying, and pulled myself back together, I decided to go on a walk with Baylaa. I went into her room, got her dressed, and then dug out the stroller. Next, I took the stroller outside, grabbed Baylaa, and then put her in it.

Right before we started our walk, I text Leah again, and asked if she wanted to go on a walk. She said yes and got over here in 5 minutes. Leah brought Ben with her, which was awesome because I haven't seen him in forever.

We then started on our walk. The entire time we talked about how awesome it was that Baylaa talked, and that we got to see eachother.

After we got home, it was 4:00pm. I gave Baylaa a bath, and then put her in her crib while I got a shower. After my shower, I put a pizza in the oven, and then fed Baylaa her dinner.

The pizza was done around 5:30pm. I took it out of the oven, sat on the couch, and ate a piece while Baylaa was playing in her packing play. After dinner, I decided to watch a movie, so I put in ZombieLand.

When the movie was over, I put Baylaa in her crib, and went back into the living room. I decided to go on twitter for a few minutes.

All I saw was pictures of Niall, tons of tweets about Niall, and about a million hate messages because paparazzi found out about our fight.

I could take it anymore. I just fell to the floor and cried because of the hate, but mostly because of not being here without Niall.

Then out of no where, the front door swung open.

Sorry for another short chapter, but wasn't Sophia's part awesome?! I would like to thank Dani for making that POV. Isn't she is an amazing writer?! Well guys I gotta go bye!! Oh and please vote and comment!

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