Chapter 18

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Amy's POV April 1st

Today is the day that I become Mrs. Horan. I have been dreaming of this day for months.

I can't believe that my childhood crush and high school sweetheart is going to be my husband. I still remember the day we first met.

(Flashback to when I was 5!!!)

I am at the school playground swinging on the swing, while singing Old McDonald. Then I start to hear a little boy start to join me.

"I love that song!" I exclaim.

"Me too!" He replied.

"So, what's your name?" I ask.

"Niall. What's yours?" He asked.

"Amy. Want to be best friends?" I smile.

"Totally!" He exclaimed.

"You're a weirdo." I say.

"Why?" Niall asked confused.

"I don't know. You just are." I laughed.

"Ok, and then you are a princess." He replied.

"I'm ok with that." I giggle and then kiss his cheek.

"Why did you kiss me?" Niall questioned.

"I just wanted to. Be lucky. I will be the only princess you'll ever kiss." I smiled.

(Flashback over)

This next part was made with the help of Dani!! I couldn't think of anything.

I love him so much. I finally can't wait to be his wife! I look at myself in the mirror. I see a different person. She's a young, beautiful, and good-hearted person. And she is me.

I look down at my dress. I have butterflies in my stomach. I take a deep breath and relax myself.

I am wearing my beautiful wedding dress, with my hair down. My nails look like little tuxes, and I am only wearing mascara.

"Amy are you ready?" Sophia comes into my dressing room.

I look at her through the mirror.

"Ready." I say with a nervous face.


Niall's POV.

(Anything past this was made by me.)

I am standing at the end of the aisle. Amy will be walking down any minute.

"You excited mate?" Harry asked me.

"You have no idea." I replied. Music then started to play.

First, Sophia walked down the aisle. Next was Jaylnn and Louis. Baylaa then started walking down the aisle while throwing rose petals.

Right after Baylaa, Amy started to walk down with her dad. She looks stunning. Her hair is perfect. Her dress is perfect. She is perfect.

"Are you crying?" Louis asked.

"" I say whipping a tear off my face.

Amy finally arrived to me. Her father gave her a kiss, and then she stood right in front of me.


Amy's POV

Paul then began to speak. (" Yeah that's right. Paul became a minister over the week.")

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered her today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Amy and Niall in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately,lovingly, and solemnly. Into this- these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together- let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

"I do! A-" Liam shouts and stands up.

"What?!" Sophia (Smith) yells right before Liam finished.

Before I could say anything, Niall and Liam were already fist fighting, and Sophia and I were on the ground punching and pulling each others hair.

"Ok guys can you ju-" Liam then accidentally punched and knocked out Harry. Right as Harry was falling, Sophia leaped to try and catch him. But she failed and just fell on top of him.

Louis then popped up and yelled "SUPERMAN!!," and then got hit in the face by Niall.

Zayn started to back away, and then tripped on Sophia and Harry. He fell backwards, and his head smacked against the table that had the cake on it.

"Thank god that didn't fall." He said smiled. Not even a minute later, the cake fell all over Zayn, and splashed on Jaylnn, Madi, and Jill.

Sophia is right on top of me punching me, while I am trying to push her off. We start pulling each other's hair once again. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sophia (Styles) grab a metal chair.

"Sophia the baby!!" I yell. Everyone freezes.

"NIALL I SAID NOT TO TELL ANYONE!!!" She yelled, and then smashed the chair onto Sophia.

"Thanks for taking care of her." I say as Sophia helps me up.

"No problem. Now, if you don't mind. I need to take care of your almost husband and ex boyfriend." She says and then walks over to Niall and Liam and punches them both.

They both fell to the ground in shock. Liam then sat up.

"Now, as I was saying. April fools..." He says out of breath.

"......Oh.....uhhh I didn't know. I'm so sorry." Niall said while feeling bad.

"It's fine. I should have been faster at talking." He laughed. Sophia and I then helped them up.

As soon as I got Niall up, Sophia punched his shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Niall yelled.

"For telling Amy about the baby." She replied.

"So, are we going to finish this wedding or what?" Zayn asks.

"Yes we are! Hold your horses." Sophia yelled.

Niall and I then walked back over to Paul how was just in shock from the fight.

"Ok, let's cut to the chase. Do you, Niall James Horan, take Amy to be your wife?" He asks.

"I do." Niall replied with a smile.

"And do you, Amy Grace Lenhart, take Niall James Horan to be your husband?" Paul asked.

"I do!" I say excitedly.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He finished.

Niall then grabbed my waist, pulled me in tight, and kissed me passionately. We then pulled apart and smiled.

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