Chapter 7

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Jaylnn's POV

*Takes place while Amy is on her walk*

Louis and I had just gotten back from our walk on the beach. I decided to Skype Liam. It was becoming our little "thing", you know, us having these chats at 6:30 exactly.

I logged onto my Skype and clicked on Liam's username: PandaLuverPayne66 and clicked call. Liam's tear stained face soon appeared.

"Hello?" asked a sobbing Liam.

"Liam, what happened?" I asked with my voice filled with concern.

"Danielle and Sophia. Danielle and I broke up and Sophia came over and said some things." Liam sobbed

"Listen, Liam I'll call you back." I hung up without hearing an answer. I grabbed my phone and dialed Sophia's number.

"Hello?" She asked picking up after a few rings.

"What did you say to him?!" I screamed at her. She didn't reply right away.

"I don't know what your talking about." she said. I was getting real tired of her crap.

"Just answer the question Sophia!" I yelled into the phone.

"I said things Jaylnn. Why do you care anyways?" Her voice was getting on my nerves.

"It's none of your business why Sophia, but I swear if you ever say anything to Liam ever again, I will kill you!" I screamed.

"Ok I think you're going crazy. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were-" I cut her off.

"Don't say it!" I growled.

"Don't you ever say anything to me, Louis, or Liam ever again. Got it?" I didn't wait for a reply.

"Bye Sophia." I hung up and threw my phone on the couch. Louis looked at me.

"You heard?" I asked. He nodded. He wrapped me into a hug.

"I love you Jaylnn." He said kissing my forehead.

"I love you to Louis." I said burying my face in his shoulder.

** This POV was made by Josie aka Jaylnn. I told her she could write one since Dani made one.**


Sophia's POV

"Ugh!! Oh my god I can't stand her!" I yell.

"Who?" Harry asked while he walked in.

"Jaylnn. She is seriously going crazy!" I say

"Guess her old neighbor was right. She is crazy." He said laughing.

"Haha yep!" I laugh.

"So how is plan "Get Amy and Niall back together" going?" Harry asked.

"Pretty good. Niall is on his way here to practice, and then it's time for action." I reply.

"Ok, well I'm going out with Zayn, Jill, Madi, and her new boyfriend Kain. Bye love you, and I hope everything goes great." He said while hugging me.

"Bye love you!! Oh and don't be out to late." I say

"I won't." He said as he closed the door.

Five minutes later, Niall arrived.

"Hey you ready?" I ask

"Yep!!" He exclaimed.

We then went into my instrument room, and started to work on the plan.

**** 2 hours later ****

Right now, Niall and I are in Amy's driveway. Niall seems so nervous, and worried that Amy will hate him.

Finally after sitting in the driveway for 5 minutes, Niall grabbed his guitar, and we walked up to the door. I put Niall's key into the door, but it wouldn't open, so I kicked the door open.

When I walked inside, Amy was on the floor with tears falling down her face.

"Erm....... sorry about the door." I say.

"Oh I have a surprise for you!! Niall come in!" I yell, but he kept standing outside.

"One moment." I say with a smile, and walk outside.

"Niall you big baby! Get your butt in here!!" I scream as I pull him inside by his ear.

All they did was stare at each other like idiots. I then drug Niall over to the couch.

"Now do what you need to do." I whisper into his ear.

He then started to sing a song he made for Amy called Half a Heart.

**I'm pretending that he made the song**

After the song, Amy was in tears.


Amy's POV

"I'm sorry Amy. I was stupid, and I miss you so much. Please forgive. I love you.." Niall said in tears.

"I love you too." I say while crying.

Niall then got up, pulled me off of the ground, and then kissed me.

"Well, it looks like my work here is done. Bye!" Sophia says, and then walks out of the house.

Niall then held me in his arms, and swayed back and forth.

"Oh and Baylaa said her first word." I say.

"What?! When?! What was the word?!" He exclaimed.

"This morning, and she said mama." I say giggling.

We then sat on the couch and cuddled until we both fell asleep.

Awwww!! Wasn't this just a cute chapter? Also, wasn't Jaylnn's POV awesome?! Oh and you should go check out Behind The Glasses by Josieboohoran. She is an amazing writer, and I'm also in it. I'm Nikki, but I don't come in until later. Well I gotta go, bye guys!!

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