*Ray*-Worst behavior

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I opened the door to see a crying Pippi

"Pippi what the hell u doing here.?"

"Ray I-i" She started

"Pippi come on now" I said pissed and fustrated

"I've been on my worst behavior..."She looked up into my eyes


"Well Ray are you going to say anything.?" she asked

I took a minute to reply...then it hit me

"You left for damn near 4 years...so what the fuck do you want now.?" I spoke trying not to yell

"Yes i know that Ray- can I just come in so we could talk please.?" She asked

"Man yea" I smacked my lips moving aside so she could come inside

 She walked in like a damn lost puppy or some shit

"Alright now im waiting 4 you to speak" I said leaning against the couch opposite of where she sat

"First of all we damn sure aint gone sit here like you're the innocent motherfucka in the conversation" she said

"Man fuck on with that shit" I waved her off 

She know what the fuck she doin' walkin' in my house on some bullshit she cared nothing about 4 years ago

"Now like i was saying....i've done something selfish and i feel like now's the time for me 2 confess" she stood up and walked over to me 

"To the point Pippi what the fuck you got going on.?" I said scaning her face for an answer

Like im for real about blow my high with this girl, I shoulda slammed the door in her face when I opened the shit

"Before I come clean I just want you to answer a question" She said

"Ugh.! Pippi damn, tf u want.? I been up all night and im tryna get some sleep so hurry tha fawk up.!!" I semi-yelled

"RAY SHUT THAT SHIT UP AND LISTEN.!" she yelled as she started to cry again 

This time i just sat back i aint say shit

"Now i was going 2 ask you if you loved me...She trailed off

"What.? Pippi-" 

"I said do you love me.?" She said

"I uh-"


"Damn Pippi yes, i love you- and i know ive done some pretty fucked up shit but yea"

"Ok now i can tell you that all the time i spent away that i was carrying your son" she looked up

Right now im bout lost as hell for words

"Wait- what did you just say.?" 

"Ray please dont make me repeat it"

"So you telling me you walked around here 4 years and never told me about my son.?" I said still heated

"Well it isn't like that and you know it Ray" She tried 2 explain

"Whatever you say, but could we disscuss this tomorrow.? cuz im really tired" I said finally calm

"Yea, sure Ray" she said

We started walking towards the door 

"See you later Ray" She said as she caught me off gaurd with a cheek kiss

2 years later

I can say now I'm a better person now, I've gotten better with being a father to my now 5 year old son. Im also not smoking as much...u know i still need something to deal with Pippi's ass since we are back together now. I guess you can say I deserve a Trophy at this point.....

Lol....do i see a part 3 in the future.?

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