Chapter 4: Why does Everything Feels so Heavy?

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     The time Shinra was hoping to spend relaxing or swimming at the pool was quickly interrupted by the most annoying thing she could expect. Upon entering the changing room's from the pool area, her wrist-com begun to ring until she decided to check what could it be. It was a notification from Chief Kasei, giving her an case for her alone to deal with. It had location and everything she needed attached to the confidential file, but as soon as she finished reading it all the file was deleted automatically. A heavy sigh escaped Shinra's lips while she decided dropping her bag inside one of the lockers shelves at that changing room. "One thing after the other..." She murmured to herself, only taking with her the small mirror from her bag to change into her work uniform. Since she won't need the real thing, this worked best. Pushed the mirror inside her jeans pocket and quickly steps out from the changing rooms and the pool area which had already a few people here and there. Her pace was quick and it turned into a small jog after she stepped out the doors of the pool space to hurry her way towards the elevators. Waited for one that could allow her to travel alone, so she could use her wrist-com to allow her to a floor which access is completely restricted to people.

     After her identification was made the doors closed and the elevator begun to go down. Shinra backed up the the wall at the end and rested her hands on the bars that were around for support. Her foot tapping the ground but the elevator didn't took long to make it's stop at a floor just below the basement. It was an floor non-existent in the actual blueprints of the Tower, due to being dangerously close to where Sybil's intelligence could be found. Once the door's opened she pushed herself away from the wall and stepped into the dark room that lit up as soon as Shinra took a step inside. The room was like a single office but unlike Chief Kazei's, this one was packed with high technology and hidden security. On one of the walls rested the SS-Enforcer suit, it was inside a glass like tube with the most security to keep it safe. Only Shinra or Sybil itself can get the suit out the storage place, even if this works as an elevator to raise the SS-Enforcer to the upper floor. It's the way to keep the real secret behind the SS-Enforcer from getting found out.

     After pressing her hand against a scanner beside the suit storage, it took a few seconds for the reinforced glass door to slide open

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     After pressing her hand against a scanner beside the suit storage, it took a few seconds for the reinforced glass door to slide open. Once the suit was released completely, Shinra climbs to a small step and presses her hand now on the suit's chest plate so it could open itself up once it identified her. "What a pain..." She murmured to herself while kicking off her shoes and putting her mirror aside after turning off the clothes modification holo. Her clothes weren't baggy so she decided it wouldn't be in the way, as the suit finally opened completely she turns around and carefully slips inside the suit. While she breathed out the suit began to close as it scanned that every part of Shinra was resting on the rightful places. First was the suit itself, 'trapping' her inside and then followed the head-gear lowering down to her own head and attaching to the rest of the suit. Once it was all done, the process taking less than 5 minutes, she spoke inside the suit to give a voice command. Her voice coming out as if was the voice of a Dominator to its user. "Lock doors and release drone." Was her command that made the glass door close again around the suit, but soon after that the floor below her rose through the tube to take her to the floor above the basement. The head-gear inside lit up with the same information and appearance as it would when holding a Dominator, only difference she could scan more people simultaneously. Yet that only could be seen by her inside the suit who had a clear view of her surroundings through the reinforced crystal meanwhile those seeing the SS-Enforcer could only see a mirror type of crystal not the one inside.

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