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Author's POV

"I'm gonna kill him."

"C'mon hyung it's cute."

"Yeah lighten up leader."

Coups, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jun and Chan. Those five were the only awake. Because of their schedule at the Pledis Ent. building. Why would they wake up at 5:30 am in their will? The only good thing is that they get to escape Seungkwan's very annoying wake up call.

"Let him enjoy hyung, he's always so stuck up," Mingyu says, which isn't lie. If Jisoo isn't always stuck up, then what isn't a lie?

"Still~" Sungcheol whines, still disapproving the fact that his baby sister, little 20 year old sister, was cuddled up to his 22 year old band mate.

At that moment, Jisoo started to wake up. The other five watched him shift around on the couch until he opened his eyes. Even though his vision was fuzzy, he could make out the face of his angry leader.

What happened last night?


"So are you like really hormonal right now?" Jisoo asks the very hormonal girl beside him.

She glared at him before throwing a cookie at him.

"Hey! I brought those cookies down for you! And Chan's gonna kill you if you waste his cookies," Jisoo informs the hungry and sleepy girl.

Miyoung glared at Jisoo before swatting his arm.

"Boo hoo for Channie," Miyoung mocks, eating another cookie.

Jisoo rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. Why did he even come downstairs?

Oh right, because Miyoung yelled his name like a damn idiot.

But whatever, as long as I get some alone time with her, Jisoo thought, because hey, he couldn't deny that he liked spending time with Miyoung.

"Jisoo~," Miyoung calls, leaning her chin into his shoulder, looking at his side profile.

She however, didn't feel Jisoo tense tense at the touch.

Damn he never even knew skinship could cause butterflies in his stomach. But then again, he never really feels anything when he performs skinship with his members.

"M-Mwuh?" Jisoo stutters to ask, turning his head slightly, because he knew if he dares to turn a whole 90 degrees, he'd be face to face, and let's just say that his heart is already beating fast enough.

"Get me water~" Miyoung asks with the best puppy dog eyes that she didn't know Jisoo would instantly fall for.

Holy heck, he thinks before nodding meekly and getting up to go to the kitchen to fetch the glass.

Once he comes back, he sees Miyoung rubbing her belly, with the box of cookies to the side; empty.

"Here," Jisoo says, handing Miyoung the glass, who gratefully chugs it all down at once.

"Gomawo~" she sings, handing the glass back and watches as Jisoo takes the glass back to the kitchen.

Once he comes back, Miyoung was eagerly waiting for his return.

"Joshie~" Miyoung whines, putting her chin back on Jisoo's shoulder.

"Mwuh yah, what now?" Jisoo asks, kind of tired and kind of enjoying the alone time.

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