➵ Epilogue Pt. 1

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Author's POV

~1 Year Later~

"Oppa!" Miyoung yells across the house, while coming down the stairs, receiving 9 replies.

"Sungcheol Oppa," she rephrases, earning frowns from 8 other boys.

"Ne gongjunim?" Sungcheol asks, putting his cup of coffee down, leaning on his arms on the island.

"I can't get used to seeing you two acting like actual siblings around each other," Minghao admits, having all the other guys nod their heads.

"I'm insulted," Sungcheol says. Junhui shrugs.

"You should be." He says honestly, making Sungcheol roll his eyes before putting his attention back on Miyoung.

"What do you need?"

"I'm hungry," Miyoung answers, pouting lightly.

"Why're you telling me? Tell your Mingyu Oppa," Sungcheol replies.

"Mingyu Oppa," she says, walking over to Mingyu with a slight pout. "Feed me."

"Alright gongjunim," Mingyu chuckles, ruffling Miyoung's hair before deciding to make some sandwiches, deciding he might as well make some for the rest of the group as well.

Taking 2 seconds to scan the kitchen, Miyoung catches sight of Jisoo talking to Junghan, his back facing her.

Miyoung smiles when she thinks of an idea.

"Hi Bubs!" She greets giggling, while clinging onto Jisoo's neck for dear life, while her legs found their way around his waist.

After staggering back and forward a little bit, Jisoo finds his balance and puts his hands under Miyoung's pajama covered thighs to support her.

"Hey Sweetheart," Jisoo greets back, trying to look at Miyoung although having the weird arrangement of faces.

Junghan smiles fondly at the two before speaking his iconic line.

"Miyoung nugu gongjunim?" He hums, smiling as he sees Miyoung giggle lightly before peeking her head up.

"Junghan Oppa's~" She sung, earning a chuckle from Junghan.

"That's right."

"Sweetheart can we talk?" Jisoo asks from in front of Miyoung.

"Yeah okay," she replies, clutching onto her boyfriend tighter, signifying that he now had to carry her wherever they went.

So Jisoo walked just to the living room, bending down so that Miyoung could easily slip off, and then he sat down himself.

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to do something this weekend. We haven't gone out on a date in a long time," Jisoo says, smiling shyly.

Miyoung however, she was squealing inside. Did Jisoo ask her on a date for their 1 years anniversary? It was just around the corner anyways.

"Y-Yeah, I want to. Let's go out on a date," Miyoung replies, trying really hard not to show her excitement.



"So next weekend?"

Miyoung's heart broke a bit when Jisoo asks this.

Next weekend? But today was their anniversary. Today marked one year. And today, Miyoung didn't even get a 'happy anniversary' from her boyfriend. Now all that was running through her mind was that if he forgot.

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