➵ 15

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Author's POV

To say the atmosphere in the practice room was thick, would be an understatement.

It was suffocating.

And it was only between three people; Junghan, Sungcheol and Jisoo.

Tension between Sungcheol and Jisoo, between Junghan and Sungcheol, and in between Jisoo and Junghan.

Sungcheol refuses to talk to Jisoo, maybe he'll talk to Junghan.

How can Sungcheol face Jisoo after embarrassing himself like that? Jisoo didn't do anything wrong, Sungcheol did all the wrong; he said nonsense, he assumed nonsense, he disregarded his trust in his band mate, or brother.

In short words; Sungcheol fucked up. 

Junghan on the other hand was trying to talk to Sungcheol, telling him to man the fuck up, because one; he's the oldest and he's acting as immature as Chan, two; he's the leader, and he should give a good example, and finally, three; he should own up to his mistakes like the adult he is.

Jisoo just isolated himself from everyone. The person he talks to most, Junghan, is talking to the person Jisoo wants to talk to least; Sungcheol.

Now, Jisoo was just sitting with the China line, waiting for Soonyoung's next orders.

"Why aren't you with Junghan hyung?" Minghao asks, curious because Jisoo's ideal person to talk to is Junghan.

"Because he's with Sungcheol hyung," Jisoo spits, without really thinking or filtering her words. He bites the inside of his cheek because now the China line knows about his personal issues.

"What's up with you and leader hyung?" Minghao asks, referring to Sungcheol the way he likes it.

"Stuff," he blandly answers, while Jun is just there confused.

He knows something happened between his Jisoo and Sungcheol hyung, it's obvious when Jisoo is acting like this after Sungcheol said that he'd hate him last night. But Jun didn't know the fill story; which leaves him still confused.

"Well you better sesolve your stuff soon, he's our leader and we have a comeback soon," Jun says, deciding that even if he's completely lost, he should at least steer his Jisoo hyung in the right direction.

Jisoo nods a few times before smiling at his two band mates.

"Yeah, you're right. Both of you. Thanks."


"Talk to him."


"Say sorry to him."


"Grow up."

"I'm 22."

"Then start acting like it you coward!"

"Don't talk to me like that! I'm still your hyung!"

Sungcheol and Junghan were in the recording booth, going at it.

To say that Junghan was pissed and annoyed at Sungcheol would be an understatement. He's furious.

Sungcheol; he's the one whose been weeping over not being able to get close to Miyoung since she came here, and now he won't even apologize to have the slightest chance to fix things. And it's damn annoying for his best friend, who's trying his best to give Sungcheol happiness.

"Then will you start acting like it, hyung?" Junghan asks, sarcasm dripping from 'hyung'.

"You don't understand Junghan," Sungcheol says, decided that that would be how Junghan let it go. Well Sungcheol was being stupid right now because that's not how it works.

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