➵ 21

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Author's POV







To say Jisoo was annoyed would be an understatement. Because well, he was pretty damn annoyed.

"But hyung~"

"I'll do it on my own time, okay?" It was literally five minutes before Seventeen went live for their comeback, and some people, A.K.A Seokmin and Junghan got the bright idea that hey; 'Why doesn't Jisoo ask Miyoung for a kiss for good luck?'. No.

He was not doing that, he already have enough nerves as it is, how will he preform if those nerves double? Tripled even?


"Bye." He says, rolling his eyes and leaving Seokmin and Junghan.

Jisoo made his way over to where Jun and Sungcheol were.

For their performance for their comeback song, Don't Wanna Cry, the concept they're going for is struggles and heartbreak. So naturally, when they preform, they're suppose to look sad or emotionless.

Jun was running through how to remain expressionless during their dance, because he's one of the members who always ends up using some kind of expression.

For Sungcheol on the other hand; it wasn't really a problem; he could sing and dance without expression without any problem. All he had to do was think about his lovely situation with his dongsaeng.

Sulking, Sungcheol told Junhui his expressions were perfect, and left to busy himself with other things.

"Peek - a - boo!" Miyoung says, coming up behind Jisoo and putting her hands over his eyes.

"I really question your age," Jisoo sighs, before turning around and facing her.

"I'm 20."

He snorts.

"No." Miyoung pouts but soon shakes it off.

"Anyways! I came here for something anyways," she says, straightening her back.

"What is it? We have to be on in 3 minutes."

Miyoung takes a deep breath before sucking up all her courage, and getting on her tippy toes.

"Joshua Hong fighting!" She chants, before one of the staff members drag Jisoo away from Miyoung, who has crimson cheeks.

Jisoo stands there stunned.

He cursed Miyoung because he now felt triple the nerves.

He didn't move for a moment before putting a hand to his cheek, where the sensation still lingered.

"Did she just kiss me?"


"DID YOU KISS JOSHUA HYUNG?" Seokmin exclaims once they step foot into the dressing room; where Miyoung had been waiting.

And because Seokmin literally knows nothing about being secretive, he doesn't mind enough to talk to Miyoung about it alone, but in front of everyone. Including Joshua. Including Sungcheol.

"No," she replies casually, lying through her teeth as if it wasn't a problem.

"LIAR!" Soonyoung declares, the gag trio decided to gang up on Miyoung.

"I'm not lying," she replies again, tossing all the members bottles of water. Not really towels; they didn't need them.

"Noona, set a good influence and don't lie," Seungkwan sighs, putting a hand on Miyoung's shoulder.

By now, all the guys were listening to their conversation, but tried to keep it discreet.

"Proof please?" She asks the trio blandly, not wanting to easily give in.

"He was flustered before we went on stage! And he stood frozen for like, 1 minute!" Seungkwan points out, using over dramatic hand gestures.

Miyoung rolls his eyes, but internally grins like a madwoman, Jisoo's was like that? She thinks, putting her hands on her hips.

"Don't you think it's just because he was nervous to preform? I mean, you all were," she argues.

"Maybe, but hyung never gets that nervous. To the point where he doesn't move!" Soonyoung pesters, trying very hard to reveal that Miyoung kissed Jisoo.

Meanwhile, the other members were still listening intently, now not caring if it was discreet or not.

Jisoo was keeping himself from actually contemplating digging a hole and just disappearing. Especially from all the suggestive looks he got from his dongsaengs, he just really wanted the ground to suck him up whole. (A/N - the most sexual thing i've written in this whole story)

Miyoung looks around the room for two seconds before sighing and decided to just follow whatever her mind is telling her.

"You know what?" Miyoung rhetorically asks, turning to now face the whole group.

She sighs again, because the fact that the gag trio would never stop pestering her is what lead her to do this right now.

"I did kiss Jisoo you know. I wanted to wish him good luck, he seemed really nervous." She announces, trying to sound confident even though all the stares were eating her up.

Sungcheol's reaction on the other hand was just blank. He didn't know what to think. It was fine for her to kiss Jisoo, he guesses? Like she said last time, she's 20 and not 10, aka her own person. So he can't get angry or mad at her over these kind of things. He also can't get possessive; he hasn't been a brother to her and hadn't even bothered talking about it yet. Until he does, he's not considered her brother. In both the Choi siblings eyes.

"I knew it!" Seokmin exclaims, making the gag trio cheer in victory because their assumptions were correct.

Meanwhile, Miyoung makes her way to Jisoo, sitting down beside him.

"Sorry by the way. Just wanted them to shut up," she explains awkwardly, laughing a bit at the end.

"It's fine," Jisoo replies quietly, trying very hard to not stand up and literally smack the smirk off his Junghan hyung's face.

"But anyways, you did really well out there. Well everyone did, but you stood out to me. Maybe it's because you danced a solo choreographed by the awesome and amazing me!" Miyoung rambles, making Jisoo grin. Heck, anything Miyoung does can make Jisoo grin.

"That's totally why. Thanks for helping me stand out sweetheart," he thanked gingerly, facing her.

"You're welcome Bubs."


"If you don't ask her on a fucking date within the next 24 hours, I will."

"H-Hyung that's incest."


A/N - hi. please kill me. i'm gonna rant now:

so where i am in the world it's fucking almost a(u)gust and my parents are like "hi we're moving in like two weeks."

"oh to where?" hey maybe it's across the motherfucking street.

"oh you know, another city."

i'm sorry what?

lol please, excuse me.

tell me, how does one live like this?


i just really wanna write a freaking Minghao fanfic because chinaline is my everything but i have two other books which i really should finish, hey guys; END ME

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