➵ 18

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Author's POV

"Hyung," Mingyu starts off, disobeying what Sungcheol said about not asking.


"You can't expect us not to ask after that," little maknae Chan says, looking at the leader with curious eyes.

"You know-" He got cut off once again.

"Sungcheol's being an idiot. That's what," Junghan explains shortly, earning wide eyes from the other members.

"Junghan-" Once again, interrupted.

"Don't tell me I'm wrong," Junghan scoffs, making the other oblivious members even more intrigued.

"I'm not acting like an idiot! What Jisoo did along with what you did was unacceptable!" Sungcheol says a bit louder. Junghan rolled his eyes for what might've been the 100th time over Sungcheol.

To say the members were interested would be an understatement; they were begging for the conversation to continue.

"He didn't actually kiss her you imbecile!" Junghan reveals, losing it over his idiotic hyung.

Those words had Sungcheol frozen.


"Guys from the start, what the hell happened?" Seokmin asks, dying to know the whole story because it seems like a drama to him. And he wasn't wrong.

"Gladly. All my dongsaengs, please enjoy the tale of our dingus of a leader," Junghan announces, intriguing everyone once again with the use of insulting terms.

"Yah! I'm-"

"Oh my God shut up Sungcheol hyung!" This time Seungkwan snaps, because he just wants to know the drama.

Sungcheol stares at Seungkwan with fury in his eyes, because how dare he, but then Junghan started talking.

"Alright so, the day when Jisoo woke up Miyoung by tickling her, that night Jisoo and Miyoung were in her room, talking okay?" Junghan starts off, making sure everyone knew that they were talking and nothing else.

All the group of dongsaengs nod, eager for more explanation.

"Right so they were talking, and Sungcheol decided to be a big boy and apologize-"

"I'm always a big boy!" Sungcheol interferes.

"Yes that's why you created unnecessary problems, big boy," Junghan sarcastically says before continuing his story.

"So he went into Miyoung's room to apologize, and when he opened the door, he saw Jisoo and Miyoung having about a one centimeter separation between their faces. And because he's stupid, he thought they kissed. Which they did not!" Junghan quickly adds once he hears all his members squeal because Jisoo almost kissed someone. Not just any someone; their leader's baby sister.

"I swear they kissed!" Sungcheol butts in again, still trying to prove his pointless point.

"Hyung, he's Joshua Hong, what would he do?" Hansol asks, making all the members nod agreeing. Sungcheol groans because now his whole band is against him.

"As I was saying, since Sungcheol thought they kissed, he got all mad at Miyoung and Jisoo. And nope, he didn't apologize because he was mad at Jisoo and Miyoung for nothing. Literally nothing." Junghan continues earning grimaces from the listeners.

Damn Sungcheol hyung, I though you were smarter, were what his dongsaengs thought.

"And then Miyoung was mad at Sungcheol because once again, he has nothing to be mad about. And Sungcheol just hated himself for a day, because I think he realized how stupid he was being?"

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