➵ Special Chapter

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Author's POV

"I have it all set up, all you need to do is tag along," Sungcheol pleads with his younger sister, not really wanting his weeks worth of scheduling to go to waste.

"Oppa, I have a date with Jisoo tomorrow," Miyoung sighs. It's not like she didn't want to go on a date with her brother, but it's also been a long time since her and Jisoo have been out.

"Please Miyoung? He'd understand, wouldn't he?" Sungcheol asks, and the puppy dog eyes really convinced Miyoung.

"Alright... I-I'll ask," Miyoung mumbles, half okay with rescheduling her date and half not okay with it.

She walks up to Jisoo's room and knocks, anxiously biting her bottom lip.

Mingyu opens the door.

"Hey gongjunim, what's up?" He asks, leaning against the doorframe.

"Um... Where's Jisoo?" She asks, slightly peering over Mingyu's shoulder as best as can, given his height.

"He went out with Junghan and Junhui about an hour ago. He should be back soon, it was just groceries," Mingyu explains, watching as Miyoung looses a bit of tension.

"Alright, thanks Oppa," she thanks, smiling and then descending the stairs.

"What'd he say?" The eager Sungcheol asks, only to get a shake of the head from his dongsaeng.

"He's not home at the moment, he, Junhui, and Junghan Oppa went grocery shopping," Miyoung explains, but just as she finishes, the sound of the door unlocking sounds through the main floor.

Sungcheol and Miyoung looked at each other, both thinking the same thing before Sungcheol sprinted off towards the front door, Miyoung following right after.

"Jisoo cancel your date with Miyoung tomorrow!" Sungcheol blurts out, not thinking about it before saying it.

"Hyung, I wanna take her out~" Jisoo whines, kind of pissed because, well yeah, he wanted to take her out.

"Let me do it for you!" Sungcheol compromises, which isn't really a compromise, but whatever.


"You don't have to practice for a week!" Sungcheol suddenly blurts, out of desperation.

This, now this shuts Jisoo up. It also makes Miyoung go wide eyed.

"A-A week?" Jisoo gulps, looking at Miyoung with confused and pleasing eyes.

"A full week!" Sungcheol assures his dongsaeng, watching as Jisoo gives Miyoung a sorry look before nodding at him.

"Alright," he says, mouthing a sorry to Miyoung who just glared at him, but still understood. A week off practice meant a lot.

"Yay! Be ready by 4:00," Sungcheol exclaims and says to Miyoung, watching as she rolls her eyes and softly smiles, and then nods. Sungcheol excitedly leaves the room, and once he's out of earshot, Miyoung turns around to Jisoo and slaps his arm.

"I. Wanted. To. Go. On. That. Date." She says, slapping his arm against after every word.

"Don't hurt your boyfriend!" Jisoo exclaims, rubbing at the spots where he thinks it's surely going to be red.

"Boyfriend you say! You should've stood up and fought to take me out," Miyoung argues pointlessly, something she doesn't well. After the huff she gave at the end of her sentence, something she always does when she wants Jisoo to apologize, Jisoo caves. Like always.

"I'm sorry Sweetheart, I'll make it up to you," Jisoo says, resting his chin on Miyoung's shoulder from behind.

"Pinky promise me that!" She exclaims, and Jisoo smiles at his girlfriend's childish side before linking their pinkies together. "Now you can't break it. You must keep your promise."

"I won't break it. I love you~" The vocalist sings, eskimo kissing with girlfriend.

Miyoung's blushes lightly before letting out a depression curing giggle.

"I love you too~"


"Yes! You're the best!" Miyoung exclaims, as Sungcheol's parks the car in the parking lot of the amusement park.

"I know," Sungcheol shrugs, making the younger of the two roll her eyes before unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out to stretch her limbs.

"Ah~ Get out get out, let's go!" Miyoung hurries, making Sungcheol trip once, twice, and maybe thrice.

"Calm down lady. God, I don't know-"

"Do not day the Lord's name in vain!" Miyoung quickly says, flicking Sungcheol on the head.

"Aish... You've been hanging out with Jisoo too much... See, I knew at least one bad thing would happen from this relationship!" Sungcheol complains, but Miyoung isn't paying attention, she's just waiting for Sungcheol to take his wallet out and start paying.

"You're so slow at everything!" Miyoung whines, reaching into Sungcheol's denim jacket pocket, snatching his wallet.

"I could report you as a thief!" Sungcheol says, catching up to where Miyoung was now power walking; the entrance.

"And I could call this kidnapping, but I'm being cooperative!" Miyoung retorts back earning a scowl from her older brother.

"You're lucky I'm an idol, I have money for you to waste," Sungcheol mumbles lowly, but Miyoung head. She smiles lightly before reaching up a bit to give her older brother a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for taking me in and spoiling me to no end. I love you Sungcheol," Miyoung says sweetly, meaning what she said.

Sungcheol could've easily threw a hissy fit when Miyoung came to their dorm a little over a year and a half ago, but she's grateful that he didn't, that she got this opportunity to fix her relationship with him, and make new ones with his hand mates.

After Miyoung's somewhat confession, Sungcheol knew that he never regretted giving her his all after they were reunited, and he'll never stop loving spoiling her. Because if the smile that was adorned on her face was the one he'd always get to see, the he'd gladly go broke for her.

Sungcheol was just happy that Miyoung was in his life again. He had the intentions to make up for all the years they missed out on together.

"I love you too. Now, I didn't take the day off for nothing, let's go!"


A/N - so here i am two months later with just a little drabble because this book is after all classified as xS.Coups; btw it felt so nice to revisit this story thanks you guys for reading <3

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