➵ Epilogue Pt. 2

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Author's POV

"Come on, don't fall asleep on me now," Jisoo whispers to the already asleep Miyoung.

And there goes Jisoo's plans for taking her out at 6:30 pm. It's currently 6:00 pm and he was gonna suggest that they get ready, that was until he looked down to see his heap of girlfriend sleeping on his lap.

He didn't really want to wake her, she looked happy sleeping, but he knew that time was precious, and if he couldn't get the two of them out of the house by 6:30, then 7:30 it was.

"Sweetheart wake up, yeah?" Jisoo says sweetly, trying to lull her awake with his voice.

She shift around before finding a more comfortable way to sleep, making Jisoo internally groan.

"Come on Sunflower," he mutters, bringing her up to a sitting position, and thankfully, that process wakes her up.

"B-Bubs, what're you doing?" Her raspy voice asks, and Jisoo almost feels bad for making her get up. Almost.

"Sweetheart, did you forget about our date? Why don't you get ready and we'll leave soon, okay?" Jisoo says, and suddenly Miyoung is wide awake.

"Yeah, yes! Okay Bubs!" She squeals, kissing Jisoo's cheek before jumping off his bed excitedly, leaving a grinning pile of Hong Jisoo on the bed.

Once in her own room, Miyoung dressed herself in simple yet attractive attire; light denim shorts with a frilled white top. Wearing a pair of white wedges and curling her hair, Miyoung put on some lip tint and blush before deciding she was satisfied with the look.

She didn't have a gift for Jisoo, the both of them decided that for any occasions together, they didn't need to get each other gifts, it lessened the stress and expectations.

Exiting her room at the same time Wonwoo does, she's greeted by his awe struck expression.

"You've gotten dolled up before, but you've outdone yourself tonight gongjunim," he admits, smiling kindly at her before she quips a thanks and heads down the remaining flights of stairs, stopping at the kitchen, where she could already see the back of her boyfriend.

Even if it was just the back, his pale blue dress shirt was nicely tucked into his black jeans, a black leather belt holding it all together. Just from the back, he looked handsome, and Miyoung couldn't wait to see him from the front.

"Ah, your Sunflower is here," Junhui teases, pointing a finger past Jisoo. Jisoo turns around and a smile is instantly plastered onto his face.

One: he thought Miyoung looked absolutely stunning, even if it was just simple attire, and two: the sight of her wringing her fingers nervously was kind of cute to him.

"Hey Pumpkin, you look gorgeous," he compliments in a whisper once he comes closer, kissing Miyoung's forehead.

Upon hearing this and the kiss, Miyoung blushes mildly before returning the compliment.

"Thank you Jisoo. You look handsome as well," she admits, kinda of shy, even if they've been dating for a year, and this is their what? Nth date together?

"Have fun kids. Remember, home by eleven," Junhui instructs, sending the two out the door while they roll their eyes, smiling at the fourth oldest's antics.

"Where to?" Miyoung asks, taking it upon herself to lace their fingers together.

"Wait and see Cupcake," Jisoo answers, smiling to Miyoung who's looks a bit defeated.

"Cupcake? That's a new one," she says, smiling to herself, because it wasn't like she didn't like the term, she found it cute. Jisoo shrugs.

"I'm trying new things. I've been calling you Sweetheart for ages." Jisoo explains, explaining his excuse for the constant change of endearing terms.

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