➵ 16

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Author's POV

Seungkwan being Seungkwan woke up first, but he didn't need to use any of his elaborate wake up calls, the company gave them 3 days off.

But sadly, he needed to wake up Miyoung. She started school today.

Heading straight to Miyoung's room, Seungkwan opened the door because he knew she'd obviously be sleeping; it's only 6:00 am.

Seungkwan couldn't help the small smile that found its way onto his lips when he saw Jisoo and Miyoung asleep on the bed. In the most innocent way possible of course.

Jisoo laying flat on his back with arms around the girl, while Miyoung had her arms around his neck, head on his chest.

Taking a second longer to look, Seungkwan could see the tear stains on Miyoung's cheeks and suddenly felt guilty about waking her up. But she had to get up and he knew that; he wouldn't want to get scolded by Sungcheol hyung.

Instead of waking up Miyoung, Seungkwan decides to wake up Jisoo. He had a feeling Miyoung would rather be woken up by him.

"Hyung," Seungkwan whispers, shaking Jisoo in such a way where it wouldn't bother Miyoung.

Jisoo groans and shifts around a bit before opening his eyes.

"Seungkwan?" Jisoo asks groggily, letting his eyes adjust to the light.

"Miyoung Noona has school today, wake her up," Seungkwan instructs before smiling lightly and leaving the room.

Jisoo looks down at the girl who's basically laying on him, and subconsciously smiles.

He sighs knowing that now he has to disturb her peaceful sleep.

"Miyoung," he says, slowly taking her arms away from around his neck.

Miyoung made a sound that to Jisoo sounds close to a whine and only put her arms around Jisoo again.

Jisoo stifles out a chuckle before trying again.

"Ah Miyoung," Jisoo sighs, taking her arms away again.

"Wae~" She groans, burying her face into the blanket.

"You have school today," Jisoo says sadly, because how is she going to go to school after last night?

"Oppa..." Miyoung huffs, definitely not wanting to go to school after crying herself to sleep last night, and with a foggy head.

"You're going," Jisoo states, getting into a sitting position.

"I don't want to~"

Jisoo scoffs.

"No way you're not going on the first day. It's university Miyoung, the whole reason why you came here," he argues, using a 100% true fact.

Miyoung pouts and Jisoo was trying so hard no to give into Miyoung.

"F-Fine..." She gives in, falling back onto the pillows.

"You need to get up, you know," Jisoo informs, making Miyoung sleepily smile.

"Yes," she sighs, getting up. "Get out of my room."

Jisoo puts up his hands in surrender and leaves the room with a smile on his face.


Everyone ended up waking up early just because it was Miyoung's first day of university. After all, she's their gongjunim.

"No." Miyoung flatly says once she sees Soonyoung, Seokmin, and Seungkwan standing in front of the dining table with smiles, with their mouths open, about to speak.

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