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     AFTER ARRIVING late the night before, Auston Matthews made his way sluggishly into a coffee shop, right in the middle of downtown New York.

Because the Leafs touched down in New York late last night, Auston didn't get the full amount of sleep that he'd wanted. And of course there was an early nine a.m. pre game skate. Already late, Auston had begged to stop and get his coffee, insisting he'd hurry.

His phone in his hand was vibrating with death threats from Mitch, telling him he better hurry his lazy ass up or they would leave him stranded. Auston however, didn't care that much, he took his time and walked casually up to the order line.

After ordering his regular coffee, and breakfast sandwich, he went and found a table towards the back of the café, where he'd wait for his name to be called.

Not a lot of people were near him, so he took it as the perfect opportunity to sit and watch as the lively city continued to zoom by. He wanted to take in as much as it as he could, well he was still there. Auston hasn't been to New York very much, so he wanted to really take everything in for the two days that he was there.

More texts from Mitch, made Auston snap out of his daze. His fingers typed effortlessly as he told Mitch to calm down, that he'd be out any second.

Not bothering to see his reply, Auston tossed his phone in the middle of the table, continuing to watch as people ran down the streets with their morning coffee's.

Auston held back his laughter as he watched a man with his head practically in his phone; bumping into people left and right. He'd yell at people who he'd run into and he'd get mad when someone would spill their coffee on themselves.

"Auston!" A lady called out, sliding his coffee and breakfast sandwich on the counter. Auston quickly got up from the table and left; his mind still enticed with the city and people.

As Auston reached the counter, he reached out to grab his things, however two hands already beat him to it. Mitch was there and on his way out the door, faster than Auston could even process anything. All Auston knew was that Mitch was not happy, he could see his scowl from a mile away.

Half way to the door, Mitch turned around to yell at Auston who still hadn't moved. "Come on you slowpoke! Jeez, you'd think Mr. Number One Draft Pick would be fast, but he isn't that fast." Mitch yelled, causing Auston to roll his eyes as Mitch hightailed it to the door.

Pushing the door open and running down the street, Auston followed after Mitch in a much more casual manner. He held the door open for a young girl that looked roughly his age.

She had light brown hair that was left down in natural waves and captivating green eyes, that still popped even behind her square framed glasses. She was wearing a pair of simple dark wash jeans with holes in the knees, and a black pull over hoodie.

Once she saw that Auston was holding open the door for her, she ducked her head and mumbled a thanks as she walked through the door tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she walked to the line with her head down.

Auston furrowed his eyebrows as he stared after the girl, everything seemed to slow down and he was left holding open the door for no one in particular. He lingered at the door, wondering how such a simple and ordinary girl that blends right into the crowd, stand out to Auston, and intrigue him.

Auston shook his head to clear his thoughts and get the confused look off his face. He started after Mitch, not giving the girl a second thought.

[ A/N ]

first chapter yay! what'd you guys think? thoughts? also this is going to be  a shortish book, there'll be lots of chapters, but the length of them will be kinda short :)

i love you

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