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OLIVIA WAITED in the short lineup to order her french vanilla and blueberry muffin. Her eyes were still glued to the ground as she thought about the boy who had held the door open for her. Olivia wanted to make eye contact with him, however his intense stare bore holes into her skull and she couldn't meet his gaze.

Once Olivia's name was called, the young girl shook her head and never gave the boy a second thought. she simply plastered a smile on her face as she turned and walked over to her normal table; right beside the huge window that looked out to the city.

Ever since Olivia moved to New York a year in a half ago, she'd come to the coffee shop every morning and sit in the same spot. The busy city relaxed her, as she was able to people watch and just enjoy the beautiful city. Her life wasn't that stressful, however this is where she's able to get away from everything and just breathe.

As Olivia reached her table, she froze and eyed it suspiciously. One chair was pushed out and a phone lay in the middle of the table.

Olivia's eyebrows furrowed together as she looked around the café, wondering if someone maybe went to the bathroom or this was a joke.

You'd think that this would occur a lot in the crowded city of New York, and it probably does. However in the year and half of being a New Yorker, Olivia has never been in this kind of situation.

After waiting two minutes, Olivia reluctantly took a seat. Placing her muffin and coffee on the table, she eyed the phone nervously, her thumbs drumming together as her gaze travelled over the coffee shop.

The young girl thought about trying to unlock the phone, sympathy washed over her as she thought about it from the persons point of view. She couldn't imagine losing her phone in a city and world where people steal and take things more commonly nowadays.

Thinking the phones probably locked with a passcode anyways, Olivia taps the home button, as she reminded herself that she'd want whoever found her phone to at least try to.

Olivia blinked slowly as a boy named Mitch had texted the owner of the phone multiple times. Her curiosity got the best of her as she read over the texts; or dare she say, death threats.

Olivia didn't know if she should be worried or not, however when she saw the word 'practice', she decided that Mitch, was just a friend that was trying to not be late for said practice.

Immediately after being nosy and reading the threats that Mitch had sent-chuckling to herself as she did- she agreed to try and take matters into her own hands and return the lost phone to its owner.

Although she was left with one problem; the passcode. In this day and age, Olivia found it hard to believe that there wasn't a passcode on the phone. She decided that once she couldn't get into the phone, she'd just have to give the phone to the coffee shop for the owner to come back and claim the phone, however she wanted to at least try first.

Olivia swiped left and was expecting to be left staring at a locked phone, however that didn't happen. When Olivia was left staring at an unlocked phone, she blinked back her surprise as she simply stared at the phone in her hands, not knowing what to do with it.

[ A/N ]

i need hockey back in my life #isitoctoberyet

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