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    THEY HOPPED into the car and started making their way out of the parking lot. Olivia could see Auston was tense and upset, so she reached out and let her hand sit on top of his hand. He let out a sigh as she did this, "I'm sorry Olivia. I promise they are nice, they were just being dicks because they're all upset about the game."

Olivia shrugged, "It's fine, really. And I can tell their great, honestly." She paused, processing the words she was going to say. "Do you wanna come over to my place?" She asked, looking over at Auston, meeting his gaze for a quick second.

"I'd love to." He replied, a smile forming on his face again.

Most of the car ride was filled with Olivia giving Auston directions to her place, however after a minute of silence, Auston decided to ask a question he's wanted to ask Olivia for a while.

"So why New York?"

Olivia looked over at him, her eyebrows furrowing together. "What do you mean?"

"Well, why'd you choose to live here? Out of all the places in the world; why'd aspiring writer, Olivia Coleman, choose to live in New York?"

Olivia smiled, she'd never been asked this question before, but she loved it. "Well, it's the city that never sleeps. There's an inherent energy in New York City that it's famous for. It makes you want to get up and do a million things all day, and stay up all night."

Auston drove silently for a minute. "Wow, no wonder you're a writer. Damn that was a good answer. I was expecting something like the hot dogs are good, but no thats great." He paused for another second, looking out his window at the lit up city. "I haven't been to New York a lot, but it's definitely a beautiful city. Your answer almost makes me want to move here and explore. Sadly, I'm only here till tomorrow." Another pause, " Hey," Olivia turned her attention from the window to Auston who had stopped at a red light and was already staring.

"You say this city never sleeps?" She nodded, a huge grin appeared on Auston's face. "Then why should we?"

[ A/N ]

im exciteddd, you should be excitedddd

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