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        ALL DAY Olivia sat at home, anticipating the game. She planned out what she was going to where, than changed her mind. She'd wear maple leaf colours, than change her mind and wear something neutral. Olivia knew she most likely wouldn't see any of the boys after the game, however the thought of going to their game, made Olivia nervous and she wanted to look her best.

Olivia couldn't tell if the day went by fast or slow. Apart of her wanted it to go fast so that means she can get it over with, and the other part of her wanted it to never come.

When it came time to leave, Olivia was nervous, but she couldn't help but hide the feeling of excitement pumping through her body.

The young girl, called an Uber and before she knew it, she was at the rink, getting dropped off. As soon as she left the safety of the car, she regretted it. People were pushing and shoving one another to get inside. It felt like a sea of people were surrounding her, and she was stuck on the little island, stranded.

She didn't know her way around the rink, so finding will call was an interesting experience. And once she did find it, the lady did not seem very happy to be there. Her face wore a frown and when she talked, she sounded jealous when Olivia told her Auston had tickets for her. She didn't blame the lady, however she definitely didn't pity her.

As Olivia got her ticket scanned, she found her way into the area and started walking down the way she walked that morning, when no one was there but her. The inside was no better than the out. People pushed and shoved, spilling beers and popcorn. Some people were already drunk and stumbling with a group of people, and others were minding their own business, trying to find their seats.

Olivia wanted to get out of the way and just find her seat. She couldn't deal with the mob of people any longer. So she decided to skip the food and drinks and head straight for her seat. However, that plan backfired when she saw the Rangers store, where you can buy Merchandise.

The girl was tempted to buy a Rangers T-shirt, however decided against it when she realized Auston, from the Maple Leafs, had gotten her tickets. She knew she couldn't accept them and come to the game cheering for the Rangers. Even if they were her home team.

So Olivia pushed her way out of the store and sidestepped her way through the sea of people with her head down. It seemed like it took her hours, but in reality it only took her a good ten minutes to find her seat.

She sat down in her seat and pushed up her glasses well letting out a sigh of relief. She calmed her flustered self down and focused her attention on the ice, where they were introducing the two teams.

Out of kindness for her home team, Olivia clapped as the Rangers came out. When the Leafs came out, Olivia had clapped much harder and had a prominent smile on her lips which only got bigger when she saw Mitch and Auston step onto the ice, side by side.

[ A/N ]
im sorry i didnt double update yesterday, i completely forgot.

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