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    AUSTON PARKED the car on the side of the road, and took Olivia's hand, guiding her into what she recognized to be Central Park.

A smile formed on her lips as she followed Auston through the park. Being almost one o'clock, Olivia was surprised at the amount of people there.

The street lights shone down on them as they walked around the giant pond, going as slowly as possible. The park normally provides many attractions, however with it being so late, the park was almost empty, however still more people than they both expected.

As the two sat down on a park bench and watched as tourists continued walking. The faint sounds of them talking and the water in the pond, made Olivia relaxed and happy. She realized the reason Central Park was so well known and a main attraction was not only for the things in the gigantic park, but for the atmosphere.

You'd think that with the hectic city just outside of the gates, you'd hear the the sirens and car horns, but you don't. Auston and Olivia found Central Park a quiet and relaxing place. A place you can go when the world is crazy. It makes them forget about everything, it was just the two of them.

"Do you believe in fate?" Auston asked, looking up at the stars.

Olivia followed his gaze, her eyes sparkling. "I'm not quite sure. But I believe in coincidences."

Auston nodded, "So you and I meeting, that's a coincidence?"

"Exactly," She told him, glancing at him for a split second. "My grandma once told me that coincidences, synchronicities, and serendipities are all signs from the universe that you're on the right path."

Auston took in what she had just said. "I don't know if I believe in coincidences. I believe that there are no random meetings in or lives. I believe that everyone we meet, we meet for a reason. Notice how every major event in your life somehow leads up to the next, it's all connected."

"So you believe in fate?" Olivia asked, genuinely curious.

Auston sighed, " I'm not sure. My prespective is always changing. But I always ask myself: How did we get here? Why, of all the people on this planet, did you and I seek comfort in one another?" He looked over at Olivia, and they made eye contact.

"And honestly, I don't know. But I like to think that the universe brought us together for a reason. That we're suppose to help each other grow and be the people we're meant to be. Some connections are just too strong to be coincidences."

[ A/N ]

Tbh this is probably my fav chapter

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