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      OLIVIA WAITED outside for Auston for another twenty minutes. She started to grow impatient especially because just as Auston texted her, her Uber had just arrived. She sent it away and waited with her arms crossed over her chest.

Starting to worry, Olivia slowly paced back and forth, gently chewing her fingernails out of habit. Just when she thought Auston wasn't coming, the arena's doors opened and out ran an out of breath Auston Matthews.

Olivia stopped pacing as he came to stand in front of her, his hair slightly damp and his breathing a little ragged.

"I know overtime was intense, but it's over now, you can stop pacing," He teased, causing Olivia's cheeks to turn pink as they chuckled.

"You boys did play good, though. Thank you for the tickets," Olivia smiled, glancing between the ground and Auston.

"No problem, I'm glad you could come and witness the goal I got for you." Auston smiled as he continued to look directly into Olivia's green eyes.

He noticed how red Olivia's cheeks had gotten as she seemed fascinated with a rock on the ground. Auston's smile grew as he stared at her, she was so shy and innocent, blushing at a terrible attempt to flirt. He wasn't used to that, but he liked Olivia, she was refreshing almost.

"So," Auston cleared his throat after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna grab a bite to eat? I mean I know it's almost midnight, but I-" He rambled, not sure is Olivia was up for that.

"Yeah, dinner sounds great actually, I didn't leave my seat once; too many people." Olivia stated, shuddering at the thought of the big crowd.

Auston chuckled as he grabbed Olivia's hand, "Right this way, my lady," He said formally, guiding her to Nazem's rented car that he let Auston borrow.

As they made their way to the sports car, hand in hand, Auston opened the passengers side door for Olivia. She hopped in, smiling, the blush still evident on her cheeks. He closed the door for her and jogged to the other side, smiling as a wave of excitement and happiness engulfed him.

[ A/N ]

This is short && crappy but ty if you've stayed this long loll it will get interesting i promise.

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