Chapter 8:

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“GO! GO! GO!” we all yelled frantically at Lou, paparazzi chasing us down and a probably a couple hundred girls chasing my Prius, wishing to just see a glance of the boys. I tried hiding myself within us four in the back because if they saw me, the hate I would be receiving will be overwhelming. I know this because of Damon. He keeps me in on ‘the scoop’ and has told me about all the girls that have been seen with Harry and they have received a MASSIVE amount of hate for it.

Louis turned right. That's when he came to a sudden STOP!

"What's wrong" yelled Liam.

"We're surrounded" said Louis practically screaming.

I peered out the window. Fans (mostly girls) everywhere you looked. Paparazzi trying to snap a picture!

"There" I said pointing to a small hollow street on the side of a building.

 Louis approached it quickly enough that the fans were not able to get near the car. The coast was clear there wasn't anyone ahead of us only behind, it looked like an ant pile they kept getting closer and more kept piling in, they were everywhere. Louis stepped on the gas and my speed-o-meter quickly rose up to fifty miles. That's how fast we were going! DAMN! And it kept getting higher. Many thouhgts came across my head like, What if we crash? What if they stop us? What if the paparazzi already got a picture of us particularly me and we are all over the news? But soon enough we were back on the highway. How? I had no idea. I got back into the passenger's seat and put my seatbelt on.

"Exit on the next one" I told Louis.

We had all calmed down now and were happy that no body was running after us.

We all let out sighs and 'Whew's! As we continued driving. Now we had to find a way back to my house without getting noticed by any fans. But I knew that wouldn't work. Someone was going to notice them and follow us home.

"Change of plans boys" I said in an tiredly manner. It was clear that we were all utterly exhausted. 

"What do you mean?" Asked Harry

"We are going to Damon's house, nobody will find us there" I said

"Who's Damon" Niall said quickly.

"Yeah, is he your boyfriend" Added Zayn.

I immeadiately blushed, 

"Oh My God! No guys, he's my bestfriend his parents are gone for three days they're on vacation, and what if he was my boyfriend do you have a problem with that huh!?" I said teasingly to the boys. Poking Zayn's cheek.

Niall and Zayn smirked. But Niall rolled his eyes at the same time. Zayn just looked away  with a blank expression on his face.

"Right here Louis"

He pulled up into the driveway of a house painted a pale yellow color. It had a white fence around it and grass along with some beautiful flowers in a small garden,  that Damon's mom had planted a few months back. I got out of the car and hurried over to the front porch. I put my hand in the small planted pot next to the door.

Liam came closer with all four boys following and they all looked at me puzzled. I pulled my hand out with a key. Ever since me and Damon became best friends he hid a key in the pot so I could come whenever I wanted. I opened the door and suprisingly Damon wasn't there. Maybe he's in his room I thought. I let the boys in and told them to put their bags down. I went into the house and down the hall I opened Damon's room door, and there he was asleep on his bed curled up slightly resembling a Cheeto's Puff. I slowly walked up to him and bent down. I  kissed his cheek and hugged him. He opened his eyes just enough to look at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you" I said shyly.

"It's okay" He said in a sweet voice.

"Now get up there's some poeple I want you to meet" I said smacking him in the face with a pillow.

He got out of his room walking like a very drunk man because he was extremely tired. We walked into his living room. He thought I was just bringing a friend over or something but when he saw what was standing upon him, he took a step back in shock.

 “Oh my God…” he mutters “No… WAY! They’re actually here, Amber. Wow, bro. You guys are amazing!”

He steps up and gives each of them a ‘manly hug’, holding their hand, bumping shoulders, and then rubbing their backs.

“Damon, meet Louis, Zayn, Harry, Liam, and…”

I look at Niall, who was staring at me with adoring eyes. It was kind of seducing me.

“Niall” I continued, gesturing my hand towards them as I called each name.

“Boys, meet Damon”  They all waved.

"Hey, so can we crash here tonight, we were being chased by fans and we're tired, so is it alright?" I questioned Damon.

"Yeah, umm... my parents aren't here so I guess they can sleep in there or in the guest room it's their choice."

"Okay then,you heard him, where are you all going to sleep" I asked the boys.

Harry and Louis both said that they were going to sleep in his parents room along with Niall. While Zayn and Liam were both going to the guest room.

"Okay, bathroom is down the hall to the left, Damon's room is on the opposite end. The guest room is right next to the bathroom and across from the bathroom is Damon's parents room."

All five boys shuffled in different directions as they looked for their room. Me and Damon went off to his room. Whenever I would spend the night at Damon's I would sleep with him. But only because he's my bestfriend. We slipped on our pajamas and Damon went to bed. I didn't, I went down the hall to the Guest Room. I knocked before enetering, Liam was sitting up on the bed reading a book. Zayn on the other hand was starting to fall asleep. I went up to Liam and gave him a warm hug, and said

"Goodnight" he answered the same thing back and I smiled. I went over to Zayn and hugged him, my small arms around his body. He then sat up and tightly wrapped his arms around my torso. He kissed my cheek and winked at me. I blew him a kiss as I walked out. I then went to the other room. Harry and Louis were in bed next to each other giggling about something. I hugged them both and said goodnight

"Goodnight lovely" They answered back

I made my way over to Niall. He was far away from Harry and Louis. I guess he was thinking. I walked over to him and hugged him. Then he looked up and our eyes met. His eyes were  beautiful. But there was bags under them, he was tired. He looked at me with a more intense glare and asked

"Are you going to sleep with Damon?"

"Yes, Niall" I said

"Oh, I jus....." I interupted him and said

"It's okay beb, don't worry I sleep with my clothes on"

Suddenly I realized that I just called Niall beb. I was blushing. Did he notice? Oh god! So many thoughts and emotions went through my head. I was rushed out of my thoughts by Niall hugging me tighter than any of the other boys. I sat next to him and hugged him back. We were both wrapped around each other and it felt wonderful. I was in wonderland.

"Goodnight love" he said softly in my ear. I could feel his breath against the back of my neck. I let go of him, shot him a smile and said


I went back to Damon's room. I turned the lights off and jumped into the bed next to him. The spot was warm so he must have just turned around I thought. I closed my eyes and started thinking about everything that had happened. I remembered everything word by word step by step. From the moment I met them to right now. But before I knew it I was in a deep sleep.

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