Chapter 2:

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On our way to Damon's house we blasted the radio in my car to the max. I swear I thought my speakers were about to pop. Suddenly he reached for the radio and changed the station. Up All Night started playing. Damon immediately threw his hands in the air knowing what the look on my face would be.I looked at him vigorously. He looked back and smiled.

"Ugghhh! change it" I said complaining.

We came to a red light. I took the chance and changed the radio station.

I changed it to 97.3, my favorite. They were playing POCKETFUL OF SUNSHINE.

“I got a pocket,

got a pocket full of sunshine

I've got a love and I know that it's all mine


             I practically yelled at the top of my lungs! People from the cars beside us stared, I was sure that they were annoyed since we had our windows down. We finally made it to Damon's. We settled ourselves and plopped onto his sofa in front of his television. I turned to face him and said "Aren't you going to turn it on?"

He looked dead at me and shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine then" I finally said "Can I at least have water?"

He turned to look at me again, no emotion shown. "Please! For your best friend!" I teased as I shot him my best cute pouty face and poked him in the arm. He smiled.

            I stood up around 3 minutes later to get a glass of water and took a really short bathroom break. I went back onto the sofa and we turned on the TV. Turns out, he was watching Spongebob last night before going to sleep and left the channel. They we're putting 'iGo One Direction". Figures. Damon actually likes One Direction which is a dangerously low percentage of guys.

"Will somebody hold me?" Harry says through the television.

"Pfft! Hah! These guys are ok I guess but why do people like them SO much? I have nothing against them, Damon.... Don't feel offended."

 I said in a sympathetic tone and patted his back to comfort him. I let out a giggle and along giggled Damon.

 It was dusk and the moon was already at it's peak. I decided it was time for me to go home. I hugged Damon tightly and he hugged me back, even tighter.

"Bye" I said as I exited his house.

 I walked up to the drive-way and unlocked my car. I hopped in and reached over my shoulder  to put my seat-belt on. I started the car and drove away as Damon stood there at his door waving goodbye. After a short 15 minutes or so I arrived at my house. As usual Margaret wasn't home. I went inside and up to my room. I put my purse and keys down went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once I was out I quickly threw my hair into a messy bun.

I cleaned up my room and collected somethings around the house that needed to be washed. I headed down to the basement and put everything inside the washing machine. Not caring what clothes went with what Blacks, Whites, Colored, all sorts of different things filled it. I put in some detergent and headed out. Up the stairs I went, realizing I had nothing left to do I went into my room, took my ipod and earphones and walked out the back door into my backyard. My plan was to lay down on our little hammock my grandmother had knitted a few years back. But my planned backfired.

Instead when I opened the door I was shocked to see five very attractive yet excited boys, well, with the exception of one who looked traumatized, in my backyard breathing heavily and looking tired. Did they run 2 miles to get here? How the hell did they even get into my backyard? I didn't know how to react. Should i be mad, concerned, who knows what? Suddenly two of them walked towards me. One of which I had clearly seen before my heart raced as they got closer. One of them had flawless curls that seemed to fall perfectly and his eyes they were like a field of grass in the daylight. So green, innocent, gentle... So.... appealing. On the other hand the other boy had a beautiful face, It looked so adorable, like a baby beagle puppy. His eyes were dark hazel like a piece of chocolate with a caramel filling.

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