Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5:

                It’s around 15 minutes after I’ve gotten slapped and I’ve finally calmed down. I hear my mom from downstairs yell


I cringe at the thought and I hear my entrance door shut with a loud ‘BANG’. Margaret left the house to do what she does best, slowly killing herself. I say “Thank God. Jesus.” In a sigh

Liam says “Is this what you go through everyday?!” in a shocked tone.

“Almost…” I replied sadly

Louis sighed while running his hand through his hair and letting it flop on his thigh creating a “Pat” noise. He said ”This is just crazy”

I tried to change the subject so I said awkwardly “…..So…. do you guys have anywhere to stay for your time in Florida?”

“Erhm, we have a hotel we stay at but it would be nice I think to stay with you for a little bit. Maybe to sort things out and get to know you better. You are just amazing, bebz. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I will ALWAYS be here.” Zayn says to me. More than what I expected to hear. I know I will be able to trust this man.

“Uhmmm. I know for sure my mom isn’t going to be here until probably this time tomorrow” It was 8:15 p.m. now. “Sooo…. I have some sleeping bags that you guys can sleep in down in the basement. If any of you guys want to sleep here in my room its fine because there is no AC in there so you might feel damp and hot.” I said

“Nah. It’s ok. We’ll sleep in the basement” said Harry

I went to get 5 sleeping bags and neatly placed them on the floor in the basement which was dark but had a lamp that was able to illuminate for just the perfect amount of light. Our basement was basically just empty but had some tools like hammers, screwdrivers, nails, etc.

“Come on in, guys!” I yell so that they can hear me. They come on in through the door when I realize. They haven’t taken any showers! “Oh my god. You guys! Go take a shower. I have some of my dads sleeping clothes I can lend you. The bathroom is upstairs right in front of my room.”

“Wow. I would’ve never remembered!” said Liam. “You truly are the best” said Lou. They all took their showers and I gave them their pajamas. They all looked super adorable in baggy clothes. I wanted to squeeze their cheeks and never stop baby talking to them. By the time we were all ready to go to sleep, it was 10:20 p.m. because Zayn had taken forever to do his amazing hair and smell good.

I walk to Harry and hug him in a loving embrace.

“Good night!” I say. “G’night” he replied. I hug and wish good night to all of them except for Zayn and Niall, now. I go to Zayn. His eyes staring intensely at me with a smirk on his face.

“Why are you so happy now, Mr. Smiles?” I ask in a teasing manner, poking the middle of his hard chest. “N-nothing” he says as he looks down, still with a beautiful smirk on his flawless face.

I feel my cheeks start to burn red from blush. I let out a giggle. Niall’s turn. The most difficult but most wanting one of all to approach. I still feel myself stop my track as I walked closer to him but it was really short and I hoped none of them noticed. Niall looked the cutest in my dad’s pajamas. I felt like tearing up. I miss my dad. I hug Niall and again, he digs his head into the bridge of my neck and doesn’t let go. Again, I feel his breath rising and falling behind my ear sending chills down my spine. “Good Night” he whispers into my ear with his Irish accent. The only one who told me ‘Good Night’ before I told them. The entire time, I had no clue what was going on around me, whether the boys were staring or not, I did not care. “Good night, love” I tell him as we separate our incredibly close bodies.

I went off to my room to sleep. I pull my covers over my body and curl up into a fetal position. Finally time to sleep. It was a really weird day today, right? Yup. I was thinking about Damon and what he would do if he found out about all this but sooner or later, my eyes shut down on themselves and I dozed off into a really deep sleep.

It was about 3:45 in the morning when I hear my room door open. I jump up in fear to see a figure standing at my door. My heart is RACING. I can’t see who it is. Is it Margaret, Damon, one of the boys, an intruder? I couldn’t tell. I see my door opening wider and the figure gets closer to me. I realize who it was and my heart just ends up beating even faster. Niall was standing by my side holding his sleeping bag.

“Umm… Amber?”

“Yeah” I said in a raspy voice still not that sure of what’s going on

                “Do you mind if I sleep in your room?”

                My heart once again sunk in delight.

                “Of course you can, beb”

‘Beb’? BEB?! Did I just call NIALL…. BEB?!?!?! My face is blushing red as a tomato at this point. Good thing my room was dark for him to not notice. But I can feel a cute smile appearing on his face as I said that.

                “Thanks” he whispers.

                I hear the rumbles of him placing his sleeping bag on my floor and him getting in. I hear a couple of tosses and turns of Niall trying to get comfy but before I knew it, I was already asleep again.

                It was morning and I wake up, my eyes still closed. I force them open but the light blinds me. The house is silent. I guess no one is a wake, yet! I turn around to face the other side of my bed. What a beautiful yet shocking gift have I received. Niall was in my bed. His legs were around mine but I guess I hadn’t noticed until now. I felt really awkward and embarrassed. My face flushed bright red once again because of this boy. His face was astounding when he was asleep. It made me giggle. His eyes shut like a baby and mouth a little open to let in oxygen. He was still sound asleep.

                I just felt like putting my arms around his torso and going back to sleep in his grasp. I thought to myself it would be embarrassing when all of a sudden, Niall sighs and groans. I stay quiet as a mouse, observing his every little detail. As he does this, he wraps his arms around me. Oh my god. I’m in the arms of Niall Horan sleeping. The thought of this made a huge smile travel its way across my face. His hair was perfect. I’m really close to him. He pulled me closer in his sleep. My ear laying on his chest, I hear a slow, really attractive grumble from deep in his chest. It almost sounded like a tiger’s purr except…. I can feel it vibrate. It was beautiful. I managed to go back to sleep, still in his chest. Still with my legs interlocked between his.

                It was going to be a perfect day. 

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