°Abusive Love° Chapter 10

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Hey guys thanks for all of the reads and votes on my other story I just hope I get the same amour on this story.

so without further or do here is my newest chapter enjoy oh and before I forget the next three chapters will be in Alexanders pov so here we go weee :)

{Alexander pov}

=2 weeks later=

"I hate you I fucking hate you how could you do this to me!"I yell and scream at Johnathan.

"because he was no good for you I saw the way he looked at you he wants you Alex and I wont let that asshole take you away from me your mine!"he growls at me.

if your wondering what were talking about let me show you in a flashback of what happened.


Jackson and I were sitting on the couch the week after Johnathan hit and raped me and we talked it out saying it wouldn't happen again which we all know with other people like myself who are being abused know it could always happen again.

anyways Jackson and I were sitting on the couch talking and laughing then it got all serious"Alex can I tell you something?"He asks I smile and nod my head.

"I've had these feelings the past year and didn't know how to tell you but I love you I always have an I just ignored them I know your with Johnathan but I just wanted to get it all out before I forget!"He sighs finishing and im surprised.

"I don't know what to say, I mean yea I love you 2 but just as a brother im sorry!"he smiles and shakes his head.

"its okay but uh can I kiss you once before I try and move on!"I smile and bite my lip and nod.

Jack scoots closer and puts a hand on my cheek and leans in his lips touch mine I don't move my lips because I don't feel anything his lips linger on mine he finally pulls away and smiles"at least we got that out of my system!"We both laugh and Jackson leaves I go to shut the door when I freeze.

"did you like kissing him?"Johnathan walks from out of the kitchen I turn around and face him his arms crossed and his eyes hold anger.

"I uh it was nothing it meant nothing I swear!"He pushes off the door frame and walks closer to me I walk backwards towards the wall when my back hits it"I may not have heard what he said but I definitely saw what you did, now this is what's going to happen your going to tell Jackson you don't want to be his friend anymore I don't want you near him you got that!"

"No, you can't do that he's my friend and I wont let you take him from me!"I grabs my chin and forces me to look at him.

"you will do as I fucking say!" I push him away and run upstairs.

[Back to present]

after I told him no he went and told Jackson that I hated him and didn't want to ever see his face and now this is where we are me yelling at him.

"I told you to get rid of him and you didn't and you what he wont be speaking to you ever again!"he smirks crossing his arms over his chest.

"I hate you so fucking much you stupid son of a bitch"I scream and slap his face he looks at me angry and lifts up his hand.


my head swings to the side I cup my throbbing cheek"What the hell did I tell you about yelling or hitting me huh?"He yells grabbing my wrist in his big hand I groan at the pain.

"I im sorry okay I didn't mean to hit you baby please!"I start crying.

He pulls me into his arms and hugs me tight kissing my forehead "its okay baby I love you so much!"He kisses my lips.

I smile lovingly at the man I love"I love you too!"I smile and wrap my arms around his waist.

I really do love him.






[Next day]

I wake up and look at the clock 8 am I look towards Johnathan and smile at his sleeping face I trace my finger across his lips I really do love this man even though he hits me.

sighing I get up and walk into the kitchen hmm what to make for breakfast I mentally ask myself.

I grab out the blueberry pancake mix,eggs,sausage and Bacon plus the syrup.

I start cooking the food I flip the pancakes and set them on a plate then I start with the Bacon I grab another pan and grab the eggs I crack the eggs and make them scrambled.

"mmm baby that smells good!"john hugs me from behind.

"thanks baby, now go sit!"He chuckles and kisses my cheek and sits down.

I finish the food and grab two plates and two forks and a butter knife. Next I place two pancakes on my plate and Johnathans plate and pass it to him. Then I grab the rest of the food and the butter and the syrup and hand them to john and eats starts eating. "ugh im so full!"he groans patting his stomach.

"Me to!"Before I can finish the door bell rings I look at Johnathan confusion written on my face"Did you invite someone?"I ask.

"No!"I get up and walk to the door.

I open the door and freeze."Hello son!"

"Mom,dad,Cam,Kate?"my family stands at my door.


Dun Dun Duh lol!!

Surprise okay how is the story so far Read and Vote to show how much you love it.

why do you think his family is their? Hmm read to find out ;)

thanks until then duckies.

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