The blood thirst

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Michael Collier had awaken to the sound of many things he was now hearing while he slept. Things were different now he couldn't control the strong craving for blood. It was at that precise moment that he knew what he had to do.

Michael began to feel different he started to move almost stealthy down the stairwell towards the front door. He had nothing on his mind but to kill the dog that taunted his nightly sleep. He noticed that he never touched the door nob as the door began to open on its own almost as if he was dreaming. It was then that he saw the world in a whole new way. It was as if he was seeing things through someone else eyes.

The dog could sense that he was there although it could not see Michael it still felt his presence. It didn't take long before Michael realize that he was now crotched over the dog while draining the animal's life force from its now lifeless body.

Soon after Michael returned to his bed as if nothing ever happened.
The next day the owners of the dog found there animal laying dead at the very same spot of where Michael had killed it. They noticed that the animal had two puncture wounds on its neck. At first they thought that maybe this was the work of a fox since the area had been teaming with plenty of them.

It had been weeks now since the incident with the dog had occurred. But now many people were speaking amongst themselves about missing cattle as well as four missing people. It didn't take long before the town became suspicious about the behavior of Michael Collier. He had now become the main subject in the people's eyes after hearing about the many strange things he could do from the locals children.

Michael stayed to him self a lot now he didn't mingle with the kids his age anymore. He barely even attended school anymore people started to wonder what happen to the boy who was so popular with all the others in the town of Slavia. It had came to the point that no one ever saw poor Michael Collier again.

Meanwhile Michael was sleeping he never liked to be disturb not for any reason at all. Especially during the day hours.

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