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Okay, first of all! I got this amazing idea from my good friend Alina (justa_emo_writer ). I love her to death. Go check her out!! She's my Hun Bun, and I love her. Her book "The Outsiders" is amazing! Please, go check her out. Oh, thanks for the cake! 😂❤️


The first one I'd like to give is to a new comer, CrankyCrew21 ! She's amazingly sweet and a good friend!! She's new here, so give her a warm welcome okay?! K! ☺️😉❤️

Antispedicey2 ,girl!! Your just so amazing. I love you! This girl has been with me for so long, I stay up until 1, 2, or even 3 talking to this amazing beauty. The others day, we were talking, and I swear to you I had a smile the whooooole time. She amazing. She's worth checking out, and just to chat cause yeah. Love you, hope we stay friends for a looong time. ❤️ "XDDDDDD Getting all the D's!!"

My good friend Kiyla_D who is amazing, is soooooo worth checking out. She's an amazing person to go to for a laugh and even just to talk. I love her. Oh! And remember, your going to be my maid of honor and same for me! REMEMBER! 😂❤️

My "sister" liviloo99 is A-MA-ZING!! I can't tell you how many times that I've laughed with her! I LOVE YOU SIS!! ❤️ "It's her Uncle Dave."

One of my inspirations to even make this book possible, katroxy76 . Her book "Christmas Miracle" is what drove me to even think about making my own book. She's an amazing person, writer, and friend. She's so awesome that she gave a letter to Ethan for me. I am forever thankful for that, because I may never get that opportunity. But she made it possible. Thanks again girl. ❤️

JuneWriterJ , or other Emma. 😂 She helped my when I want exactly in the right place....and I am so grateful. Thanks Emma. I love you. ❤️

l_l_imhuman_l_l , dude. Just stay you. Your hilarious, and I love to hear your embarrassing stories. They always make me laugh! ❤️ "You wanna see my crush?"

Bookworm1313131313 , your amazing. Thanks for the ice cream! 😂❤️ I hope we can talk again soon down in them PM's brooooo! 😂

Laurexfan , is awesome. Wait...are you a Macerick? Or a Pauler? I forgot. 😂❤️

James. (QuailTheThird ) You're crazy. He should be a comedian, love that guy!! 😂❤️

Anyways....I think that's enough shout outs for today! Sorry if I didn't say some people....AHHHH! IM SORRY!!

Go check them out! Follow! And just have a good time.

Anyways, Ily all!



~Emita ❤️

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