Chapter 8 - MeiHua Part 2

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It was like that for a few days. He gathered fruits, caught small game and fish whilst she recovered. She told him which roots and plants were edible so that they could compliment their meals with the fresh vegetables.

It was a new experience to Xuelei being with someone this happy. She was always smiling, singing or humming. Although her ankle hurt her, she maintained a cheerful and positive disposition.

She was infectious. He found himself relaxing and smiling more.

Xuelei tried not to look at her too much, but it was hard. She was beautiful. She had fair flawless complexion, mischievous hazel eyes and long dark brown hair that reached all the way to her tiny waist. Oh and she had really soft rosy lips that was usually curved upwards, not that he noticed. She smiled a lot, so naturally and openly, it was foreign to him.

MeiHua was not a threat but she did like to talk, almost as much as Jin.

A half-smile formed on his lips, if he could, he would introduce them and let them talk each other's ears off. He wondered who would win. Perhaps it would be a draw, he thought in amusement.

Usually she would talk and he would listen. She knew a lot and the range of topics she covered amazed him. It was obvious that she was well educated. Beautiful and educated, he corrected himself. The combination intoxicated him. Her passion for life and knowledge infected him. There were times he did not understand fully what she was saying, so he would just listen to the sweet musical sound of her voice.

She started off with herbal knowledge and expanded to ... everything. That was the only way to put it, he thought wryly. But he had to admit that it was interesting, he was learning so much. Xuelei realised, there was so much more out there waiting to be discovered. The more she talked, the more he wanted to know.

In contrast, all he knew was how to fight and kill. He knew the best way to kill someone, how to make it look like murder, an accident or a natural death. He could make a death clean or messy depending on his orders. He knew how to defend himself, the differences of each weapon and how to use them. He could disappear, hiding for days in the open amongst the crowd in some town or alone hidden in the wilderness, living off the land.

Suddenly, he wanted more.

Before this, his only desire was to make the Mistress happy and try to find out about his parent's death, maybe avenge them if the situation warranted it. His life had been so simple before meeting MeiHua.

Now he wanted to experience all the things she was talking about and accompany her to the places she yearned to go. He wanted to taste the foods she described and listen to the songs and sagas she mentioned. He wanted to travel and meet different people, he wanted to learn all there was to learn.

He wanted more. He shouldn't, but he did.

He was in one of his reflective moods. MeiHua watched WuMing's expressionless face. She could never tell what he was thinking. Did she bore him with her endless chatter? Should she shut up? He didn't seem offended and even encouraged her at times, with just a nod of understanding, a soft sound or a glance in her direction to assure her that he was listening.

MeiHua liked to talk, she was wavering between being a teacher or a doctor. Probably a teacher, women doctors were not encouraged. Male patients would not want to be treated by her or maybe she could find a way to be both, she ...

Oh my God, was that a smile?

Her breath caught in her throat as she saw his mouth turn up. He was already so handsome but when he smiled, his whole face transformed. He was beautiful.

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