Chapter 27 - Ambush

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Lady Ching had purposely led Xuelei into the inner grounds. Now the narrow paths between the burnt and dilapidated buildings leading to the main court were blocked by her men. Lady Ching had moved to a safe distance behind them.

An arrow came whizzing at him. He flicked it away with his undrawn saber flinging it to one side. It was followed by a torrent of arrows. Xuelei spun his horse around and around enabling him to block and dodge most of the arrows. His sheathed saber blurred as he parried and deflected the incoming arrows. A few hit his horse in its flank and neck. It reared onto its hind legs in panic, eyes flaring, whinnying in pain.

"Easy boy! Easy!" Xuelei gripped the reigns and hung onto the excited animal.

The men charged yelling loudly, frightening the already spooked animal. It reared and bucked throwing Xuelei off its back. The assassin flipped and rolled, landing in a half crouch, saber drawn. The animal was not so lucky. Another wave of arrows came down. It neighed in pain and confusion. A few more struck the panicked horse and it fell to the ground unable to get up.

Xuelei had no time to spare for the dying animal, they attacked the second he landed on the ground. Immediately he was on the defensive, blocking and dodging the multiple attacks. After a few moments, he determined that they were ordinary mercenaries. They were not a unit, they attacked randomly without actual formation or teamwork. It was obvious that they had not trained together. Lady Ching had probably contracted them in a hurry. The hired mercenaries were no match for him, if only there were less of them.

One of the thugs had rushed in amidst the confusion and managed to get near enough. He grabbed Xuelei's throat in a chokehold, effectively strangling him with one hand. The grip was firm and strong. Pressure was applied mercilessly.

Automatically, Xuelei tightened his throat muscles as he quickly pinched the median nerves between his attacker's thumb and index finger, twisting it in a quick jerk. The man howled and released his chokehold with a cry of pain. He staggered back cradling his now useless hand, his nerves damaged.

Xuelei turned his attention to the others surrounding him. He managed to cut down a few men. He was fast and precise. His strong clean strokes killed efficiently. His senses were at an optimum. Dodge left, right, block and duck. Lunge, stab, turn, side-step and slash. Block, turn and Xuelei back-kicked the nearest man squarely in his chest. The forceful kick sent the fighter flying backwards into some of his comrades knocking them down.

Xuelei took the opportunity to attack. He was better at offence.

With a grim smile, he lunged at the nearest group. They couldn't back away fast enough. His saber flashed in the sunlight as men died around him.


Suddenly he felt a slash on his back. Turning, he barely managed to block as a red stained sword came swinging down again. He flicked it to one side and lashed out with a powerful side kick to the man's head, booted toe to his temple. Blood spewed out of his enemy's orifices as he fell lifeless to the ground.

The mercenaries closed in on him not even sparing a glance for their fallen comrades. Xuelei crouched low turning a full circle, saber slanted at a deadly angle. He aimed at their shins. Men fell wounded around him howling in pain. He leaped nimbly away before they could get up.

He had to get out of here. There were too many of them.

More arrows rained from the sky. The deep cut in his back was bleeding profusely, the pain hampering his movements. He was losing a lot of blood and weakening by the second. The assassin jumped high avoiding arrows and landed lightly on his feet.

"Give up boy. I just want the jade. The entrance must be here somewhere," Lady Ching called out.

"So, you really don't care for Zhen or his son. You only want his treasures," Xuelei deduced.

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