Chapter 47 - Retribution

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Li shuffled though the papers, trying to organise them. He hated paperwork. Assign him a mission with action and he was happy, not stuck behind a desk. His sword would grow rusty in the corner, he thought sadly.

A knock sounded on the door.


Xuelei walked in and bowed to Li.

"First brother."

Li smiled as his younger brother approached. "Xuelei ... I really should start calling you Xiumin." He gestured for his brother to sit opposite him.

Xuelei smiled. "I will always be Xuelei to my brothers."

"I wanted to talk to you. This came in the basket for you today." He pushed an envelope across the table.

Xuelei noted with surprise that it was still sealed. He raised an inquiring eyebrow. Li shrugged. "There will be some changes around here. Privacy for one, I wouldn't like it if someone read my love letters ...."

"Love letters ...?" Xuelei gaped at Li's grinning face.

"Just kidding, Xue. Relax. You need to spend more time with MeiHua, she knows how to take a joke," Li laughed at his brother's discomfort. Then he became serious. He tapped the letter. "I didn't read it but I can guess. The stationery is ... unique."

Li looked Xuelei in the eye. "Tell me if you need help. We will all be there if you need us, whenever, wherever. All you have to do is say the word."

"Thank you, Li. I'll remember that."

"I mean it. We will all come at your call."

Xuelei felt a warmth spread in his chest. His brothers, his family.

"Thank you."

Xuelei bowed low in respect, took the letter and left.


Xuelei went to the privacy of his room and closed the door. The letter was short and to the point.


I have found Lady Ching. Join me for a father-son lesson in manners. She will learn what happens when she crosses a Zhen.


Xuelei clenched his jaw, her betrayal still stung. He remembered what she did to him. How she had ordered his own saber rammed into his helpless body and how he had been left bleeding to die a slow painful death. His hands closed into a fist, crushing the letter.

He looked up from the crumpled paper in his hands.

"Yes, father."


The two warriors sat in the corner, quietly nursing drinks. They had an unobstructed view of the diner. The White Lotus Hotel was famous for its exquisite cuisine and entertainment. A small stage was set against a wall.

A woman fitting Lady Ching's description was said to frequent this hotel when she was in the area. Word had come that she was here. Now. Alone.

She was still searching for the jade pieces despite the rumours that Zhen Shuren had risen from the dead. His home in the mountains was being rebuilt. Her sources told her it was by a woman, Shao Ling. She sniffed in distain. Shao Ling was nothing but a woman in love, she had always been smitten by Master Shuren. All the disciples knew of her obsession with him.

There were no sightings of him however, letting her believe that the rebuilding of her ex-Master's home was just a project of Shao Ling's. She was a fool, she must still be madly in love with Master Shuren to be spending that kind of money on the lavish constructions. She had heard of the grand designs, no expenses were spared. Did she really believe those rumours? Did she really hope that the Master would resurrect from the dead just to see the home she was rebuilding for him?

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