Chapter 26 - Trouble

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Lady Ching left early the next morning. Jin and Xuelei bade farewell to a teary Ting Ting and her family after lunch, stating they had been ordered back. They were given some rations for their journey back and some herbs for Xuelei's health.

As they rode off, Jin tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably bursting into helpless laughter every time he glanced over at Xuelei.

"Shut up."

"I didn't say anything." Jin grinned wickedly at his brother.

Xuelei glared menancingly at Jin. "If you laugh any harder you will fall off your horse."

At that, Jin gave up and laughed heartily. "I swear if we had stayed there any longer, Ting Hua and Ting Kai would have started fighting openly for a chance at getting your affections. Never mind that you belong to the Assassin's Sect and are below their status."

"Are you done?"

Jin smirked gleefully, "You can't really blame them. You are beautiful, gentle, skilled and have a dangerous handsome assassin for a brother .... seriously unattainable, totally irresistible."

"I'm never ever going back there again," Xuelei muttered under his breath and urged his horse into a canter leaving Jin behind. Jin followed, still laughing at his brother's discomfort.

They stopped at a clear stream outside of town. Xuelei washed off his make-up in relief, changed his clothes and re-tied his long hair into a warrior's knot. Then they had a simple meal.

"Give me a day. I should be back by then. If I am delayed, go back and report. I will catch up."

"I think this is a bad idea."

"Jin, I have to do this, I have to know if it is really my family. If I let this opportunity go, I will regret it forever."

"What if it's not?"

"If it's not, then I will come back and we go back. End of story."

"What if .... It is your family she was talking about?"

Xuelei hesitated. "I will hear what she has to say, then I will return with you."

Jin opened his mouth but Xuelei cut him off, "We will go back together Jin, I have nowhere else to go. We are brothers."

Jin was not convinced. "You have one day. Twenty four hours. I mean it, Xue, not a minute later."



Xuelei made his way to the City's Northern Gates and entered the nearest Inn there. The large grand building was an old establishment which marked the edge of town. He spotted Lady Ching in travelling clothes at a table, having a drink and some light snacks. He straightened his shoulders and went up to her.

"Lady Ching?"

She lifted startled eyes at the youth that stood before her. "Oh my .... it's like seeing a ghost ... two ghosts," she said with a sharp intake of breath. "P-please, have a seat."

He sat down gracefully opposite her and put his saber on the table, within easy reach. "I was told you were looking for someone with my description. Do you know me?" he asked going straight to the point.

"I know ... knew some people who you resemble," she trailed off as she studied his profile. "Amazing."

He kept quiet, waiting for her.

"Did XueHua ...?"

"Jin. He showed me a broken piece of green jade," he said quickly cutting her off. Better to disassociate himself with XueHua.

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