Chapter 13 - Complications

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The captive sat huddled in a corner of the cart. There was a large purpling bruise on her pretty face and her lips were swollen. Her hands were tied securely in front of her. She sat in a daze letting the cart rock her gently.

They had travelled all night. After leaving her brothers, they had travelled South until they came to a river. Only then did they take a break. Crossing the swift flowing river in the dark was dangerous, they would cross the river at first light.

They tied the girl to a tree and set two men to guard her.

Later that evening, a scarred man approached the prisoner.

"You, girl, look at me."

She was startled out of her daze but did not dare look at him. His cold eyes settled on the helpless girl. She had pale flawless skin and pretty obsidian eyes. Her long black hair was mussed up but the loose strands only managed to frame her sweet face highlighting her delicate features. The ugly bruise on her cheek marred her beauty. He remembered her struggle that had earned her that, he smiled inwardly. Xuan would be deaf for a while.

"What is your name?"

Her eyes darted to him but she immediately lowered her gaze.

"Xuehua? Wasn't that what your brothers called you?"

She bit her lips but kept quiet.

"Pretty name, Xuehua ... Snowflake. It suits you." He smirked when she turned away her head, she was treating him like the enemy he was.

Scarface caught her chin, tilting her face up. He turned her face left then right as if searching for something. The girl jerked her head and turned away in protest.

He faltered but a grin reappeared almost immediately to cover his doubt. He had been so sure that she was the Assassin's Sect's killer sent to infiltrate the real kidnappers. But a trained killer would not be so docile would she? Maybe they had missed their target and this was just an innocent girl. She didn't act like a killer. He frowned, the timing was about right. It had just been a few days before his Master had confirmed the deal with the Assassin Sect. If he had missed the target, he would have to double back.

It would be a shame if he had missed his target and had unwittingly involved this poor unsuspecting girl, he thought. She was different. She had an innocence about her that drew him in.

"Xuan! Next time, do not hit the girl ... umm ... merchandise. Any losses will be taken out from your cut. Understand?"

"Yes sir," came a smart reply. "Apologies, sir!"

Abruptly he turned and walked back to the warm fire. The girl stared at his retreating form before falling back into her stupor.

Xuelei's cheek and neck was throbbing. He was sure he had a nice bruise on his face. He had marked the man who had hit man, Xuan was his name. It would be a pleasure to kill him later. He kept his head down in an exaggerated show of despair.

Something was nagging at him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. The kidnapper's behaviour was wrong.

Xuelei lifted his head to survey them. They were lounging around two fires talking quietly. He counted silently, twenty plus the leader, twenty-one. They had wounded Jin earlier but had not killed him. Why? They even let both his brothers go. Earlier reports confirmed the deaths of those who had dared defied them. He pondered on the puzzle watching his captors.

He pulled in a sharp breath when he finally realised what had been bothering him. They were too organised, not like a band of kidnappers at all. They acted like soldiers. Soldiers in disguise, their strict military training gave them away. Now that he was aware of it, he could easily make out their ranking. Scarface was the leader. Now the question was, which unit? And why were they pretending to be kidnappers?

Damn. Xuelei let out a sigh of frustration, he was being held by the wrong people.

They broke camp at first light. The prisoner was hulled onto her feet. After allowing her to relieve herself, she was lifted onto the back of a horse and tied to the pommel.

"You, take ten men and double back. Take the cart. Check around and capture anyone who might fit the criteria. Send me a report," Scarface instructed a man.

"Yes sir!"

"Let's cross the river here. We will go deeper into the forest."

Half the men turned back the way they came whilst the other half led by Scarface crossed the river. Xuelei's mount was tied securely to one of the men.

They travelled half a day before an arrow whizzed by, killing the man leading the girl's horse. She screamed in fright, cowering in her saddle. The group immediately enclosed her in protective formation.

"Captain Shang, so nice to meet you again," a voice called out. "Oh, and thank you for capturing this beautiful flower for me. She will add nicely to my collection."

"Show yourself!" Scarface yelled.

A burly man dropped down agilely from a nearby tree.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Manners, Captain. I have you outnumbered. The tables are turned when you step into my territory."

"Fung," the Captain spat out the name.

"What are you doing trespassing here? Did you want to catch me again?"

Captain Scarface Shang glared at him.

"Or maybe you thought you could bait me with an innocent girl and capture me? Perhaps get me to lead you to our hideout and rescue your young Miss?"

He let out a laugh. "Dear, dear Captain. I think I won't sell your little Miss after all. You have just increased her value to me. I see how much she means to her family now. I will just ransom her to her father, what do you think? She will fetch a higher price that way wouldn't she?"

He signalled and a barrage of arrows was shot from the trees. All fell down dead except Scarface and the girl. They didn't have a chance.

There was a commotion as men came out of hiding. They stopped in front of Fung before the leader gestured to someone behind him. Several men came forward and threw two people to the ground. Xuan and a girl.

"They caught another girl for us on the other side of the river." The evil looking man grinned at Fung.

"My, my Captain. You are taking all the fun out of my job capturing two girls for me. What are you trying to do? Cut into my trade? Or maybe you want a job with me? I heard the Minister is tight fisted with money and doesn't pay well, that old miser."

"Tie them up. Bind their eyes. Since the good Captain is so eager to find out base, I will take him there."

"What about him?" A sword was waved in front of Xuan's face.

"Kill him."

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