Chapter 31 - Recovery

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Time had no meaning for Xuelei as he recovered from his wounds. It was blurred into a never ending stream of pain and discomfort.

The first few days were the worst. Breathing was difficult. Every breath had to be manoeuvred carefully into his protesting lungs. He kept coughing up blood, the strong taste of iron fouling his mouth and made everything taste like rust.

Xuelei drifted between consciousness and hazy violent dreams. Each time he woke up, he would hear the comforting sounds of the man practicing his sword. Xuelei would watch his fluid motions until he fell asleep again. The man's graceful and precise movements were a balm to his restless mind.

Xuelei wondered that the man didn't mind him watching him practice. The man's acute senses made him aware every time Xuelei woke up. He was aware of Xuelei's eyes following his deadly dance. Some fighters were secretive of their moves and special martial arts. It was usually passed down from father to son in a family. Outsiders were forbidden to use the family's arts.

Yet this man kept practicing in front of Xuelei. At first it seemed like random jumps and attacks but later he found a pattern to it. It made use of all the body's muscles, it needed balance, precision and concentration. Xuelei had learnt the moves unconsciously after watching them man repeat it a few times. He would mentally follow every stance and when he had memorized it, he would anticipate the moves.

It was a brilliant set of deadly attacks and defence. Once it had been learnt, it could be broken down into parts and used as the situation required. Mastered, and it became a lethal combination that was difficult to counter.

Xuelei was certain that he was meant to learn it. Why else would the man practice in front of him? Or maybe the man underestimated his capabilities or thought he was too dense to learn just by watching. Anyhow, it was too late. The moves were ingrained in his mind. If only he could get well enough to try it out. He wanted so badly to practice the new sequence.


"Boy, this is going to hurt but it has to be done."

Xuelei nodded understanding as the man cut away the bandages on his chest. The wound was closing nicely.

"The lining of your lungs should have healed by now. Your breathing is better but not good enough. You are not breathing right yet, I can tell just by the wheezing sounds you make."

"I do not wheeze."

The man's mouth quirked upwards. "Yes you do, like an old man."

Xuelei clenched his jaw, biting off a retort. Better not piss him off, he was holding a sharp knife.

"Okay, all off." He threw the soiled bandages to one side. "Lie down. I am going to cut open the wound and insert this thin bamboo reed into your chest. When I say so, breathe in deeply. Understand?"

Xuelei nodded, preparing himself mentally.

"There is air trapped between your lungs and chest cavity. I am going to make a small hole to let the air out."

As he spoke, the man inserted his knife into the healing wound, making a small hole. Xuelei hissed with pain and gripped the sides of the cot. Bright red blood leaked out.

"Steady boy."

"Just hurry up and get it over with," Xuelei said through gritted teeth. "You have done this before haven't you?"

"Umm, maybe."

The man's vague answer made Xuelei alarmed but it was already too late. The man had already sliced him open.

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