Chapter 42 - Confrontation Part 1

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A cloud of dust in the distance revealed riders as it got closer. Shen watched the riders approach with apprehension, the Mistress was with them. He and MeiHua had not yet figured out how to diffuse the subtle blockage in Xuelei's mind. They had tried several concoctions. All of which Xuelei had gamely drank despite its bitterness or foul smelling aroma. Should he tie Xuelei up again while there is still time?

Xuelei was tense. He had also noticed the group heading for them.

"Shen?" he called his brother, uncertainty filled his voice.

"It's okay Xue, we will take care of you."

MeiHua went up to him and whispered. "Remember, it's not your fault. Whatever happens, I will stand by you."

He gripped her hand, he was scared. What if he lost control again and that terrible compulsion came back? He calmed himself down, preparing for the internal struggle should it come.

They stopped ten paces away. The Master and his brothers were looking at him curiously. The Mistress glared daggers at him. He held his ground. MeiHua hid behind him.

"Master, Mistress, brothers." Shen and Xuelei chorused lifting their hands in a fist palm salute.

"You still dare call me Mistress?" her sharp voice cut through the air as her eyes bored into him. "And this girl, who is she?"

"Mistress, please forgive me. I ..." Xuelei pleaded, backing away, bumping into MeiHua. The Mistress cut him off with a wave of her hand. He felt fear, raw fear for MeiHua's well-being. The Mistress could kill her with just a word. His brothers would act on her commands without asking questions.

Suddenly, he felt the compulsion to draw his saber, hatred growing in his chest, a red haze clouding his mind. The Mistress's voice, her presence and proximity was triggering Xuelei. "Shen! It's happening again ... !" he shouted out in panic.

"Don't run away from me. Explain yourself!"

The Mistress dismounted and walked forward closing the space between them, challenging him. He was backing away slowly, trying to maintain distance between them.

"Shao Ling, be careful. You know he can't control it." The Master cautioned her.

"No, no, please Mistress, don't come any closer. I don't want to hurt you," Xuelei begged. Shen kept his body in between them. He looked at his brothers for help.

"We haven't found a cure yet. It is too subtle to remove. We are not as skilled as the one who put it there."

Suddenly a shadow leapt from behind. MeiHua cried out in fright as she was dragged to the side. A man with his face partially covered held a gleaming knife at MeiHua's throat.

"Kill your Mistress and the girl lives."

"No! Don't! She is innocent. She doesn't have anything to do with his!" Xuelei cried turning to face the masked man.

"All you have to do is kill Shao Ling and the girl goes free."

Shen had moved towards the group. All had dismounted. The six brothers formed a defensive line between the Mistress and Xuelei.

"Kill Shao Ling!"

Xuelei had no choice but to obey. He couldn't let the man hurt MeiHua and the man was using the voice. The compulsion to obey overcame him. His indecision dissolved as cold determination enveloped him. His brothers saw the change as the conflict in Xuelei disappeared with the clear directive.

"Damn it, Xuelei! Fight it!"

Xuelei ignored Shen's plea.

His eyes flickered to the Mistress, he drew his saber slowly. The sound of the blade coming out of its sheath was chilling.

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